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Blythei would love to spend my time with zion, but there are some things i have to take care of

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i would love to spend my time with zion, but there are some things i have to take care of. i texted ansley about an hour ago, but she didn't answer. i texted kyla and told her to meet me at the bar.

Skip Time

"blythe, i'm so glad that you wanted to meet." she says.


"because i think something happened to ansley."

i sat up.

"what makes you think that?"

"i texted charlotte some time ago and she said that you should've never told ansley."

"okay? and what do i do with this information?"

"she also said that ansley will never see the light of day...."

my heart skipped a beat. everytime something happens, the people i'm close with end up getting hurt.

"did she give you a clue where she would be?"

she shook her head.
i sighed heavily.

"i need a drink..." i mumbled.

"blythe, alcohol doesn't solve your problems. you need to get better."

"you know, my health is the last thing i'm worried about. we need to find ansley and fast."

i got up and walked out. kyla followed behind me.

"text charlotte."

"and say what?" she asked.

"that you wanna meet her."

she sighed and texted her. we waited for about five minutes for a response.

"she sent me where she is, but she told you to come alone."


"she said she only wants to meet you and for me to go home."

i sighed. i don't have an weapons.

"i don't have a knife or anything."

kyla looked around to see if anyone was looking. she stuffed a gun in my bag.

"what the hell?" i said.

"this will help you."

"i cant take this kyla..."

"this is for your protection, okay? if she charges at you, shot her. while you're there, i'm going to get the cops, okay?"

i nodded. i walked to the place where i was suppose to meet her. it was a dark alley and it gave me the creeps.

"charlotte?" i called out.

"you came." she came out of the dark.

"you told me to. where's ansley?"

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