A Visit

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Ansleyi decided to visit blythe at the hospital

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i decided to visit blythe at the hospital. it was the least i could do. she saved my life.

seeing her in this state, killed me. she didn't deserve any of this. just as she was getting back to zion, things took a turn for the worst.

"awh, blythe." i said quickly kneeing down.

i placed my hand on hers. she looked so peaceful. she looked so done. it killed me to see her like this. i regret giving her the alcohol. i'm a bad influence.

"you're gonna make it through, okay?"

i need to get out of here. dark place. too dark.

am i actually in a coma?

i'm gonna die.....i'm going to die. i cant pull through! i'm not gonna make it....

i'm gonna miss everyone so much....this is too hard..

"wake up, bro." elom hitting me with a pillow.

"you know, i'm not in the mood for your playing."

"i'm trying to make things go back to normal as possible. i would jump on your bed, but we don't wanna damage your leg even more."

i sighed and took the comforter off.

"jeez, bro, you look awful." elom said with a chuckle.

"you look like me."

"not with those baggy eyes." he left with room with a light chuckle.

i went to the bathroom and looked to see what he was talking about. around my eyes, it looked like sum purple shit. man, i really need to sleep properly.

i hopped down the stairs and saw my fam. everyone looked like they were going back to their normal routines.

"hey, z. you okay?" keke asked rubbing my back.

"mhm." i said.

it kinda makes me sick the fact that they're acting like everything is normal. someone, we supposedly love and care about, is fighting for her life. this pain feels like it'll never go away.

"breakfast?" mama asked.

i shook my head.

"i'm just gonna shower and get ready to see blythe." of course all their faces turned sad.

"nothing to eat?" i shook my head again

Skip Time
i walked in to see a blonde girl, hovering over blythe, sobbing. i'm surprised....i didn't know who she was.

"who are you?" i asked.

she turned around. her eyes seem red from all the crying. she had pretty blue eyes.

"i-i'm sorry. are you zion?" she asked pointing.

i nodded.

"i'm ansley. i don't think blythe has talked....about me very much. i met her at a bar."

a bar? what was blythe doing at a bar?

"a bar? she's 16."

she sighed and looked down disappointed.

"she uh....looked lost and upset, so i sat down and had a chat with her. she wanted some alcohol...so i.....i."

she couldn't go on. she broke down crying. i knew what she was talking about.

"you gave.....an underaged girl alcohol?" i asked in disbelief.

"she's been drinking ever since. i'm so so sorry. it's messed up, i know."

right now, blythe is all that matters. being mad at ansley, doesn't solve anything. i need to be strong for her.

"it's....not okay, but i'm not mad."

she looked at me in disbelief.

"t-thank you. i don't know how you're not mad, but thank you."

"it's okay. we're all going through it at the moment. is that all?"

"i was the girl.....that was with her that day. she got shot and told me to leave. i refused to leave her side, but she insisted. i...i feel guilty because i could've been there for her. i-i left her there...to die." she cried.

"hey, it's okay." i hugged her.

the last thing we want is someone to blame themselves.

"she's gonna pull through. she's a fighter."

she nodded with a weak smile.

"i'll let you have your alone time. take my number. if you need anything just call. we all need to support each other right now." she said.

she left with her number in my hand. i stuffed it in my pocket and turned my attention to blythe.

"hey....i wonder how you're doing. everyone misses you. i guess i know how it feels....to wait so long, not knowing if the person is gonna make it. i wish you would've told me what was going on...i could've helped you. you know, i care about you...i hope you know i care about you."

i held her hand. i put my head down and started praying. anything can help.

not the long later, i felt her squeeze my hand. i quickly left my head and smiled a little.

"blythe...blythe. you can hear me. oh my gosh, you just squeeze my hand! oh my gosh....oh my gosh." i place my hands around my mouth.

"oh, i miss you so so much." i said playing with her hair. i sobbed. i sobbed really hard. i decided that it's not gonna do me good keeping it all in.

"please, come back."

i̫m̫ g̫o̫n̫n̫a̫ p̫o̫s̫t̫ a̫g̫a̫i̫n̫ b̫c̫ i̫ d̫o̫n̫t̫ h̫a̫v̫e̫ a̫ l̫i̫f̫e̫

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