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The first time he saw her, she was gripping onto the Third Hokage's hand at the front gate to the village. She was beautiful to say the least. How she would look out from behind the hokage at the scenery before her. Thinking, wondering. Is this my new home? It had to be.

Her beautiful ( color ) hair. Her bright ( color ) eyes. Honestly, she looked like a main character out of a book! Who knows? Maybe this was the start of a cliché plot where the guy falls in love at first sight with the girl. A happy ending ensuing once their lives intertwine.

That was the only way Minato could explain it.

Not to mention that he thought her name was beautiful too, once Lord Third spoke it.

"This is your new home, y/n. Tell me, does it look like a home you could live in?"

Lord Third sounded thoughtful, his tone soft. His eyes trained on her when he tilted his head down. Gulping, she peeked at the village once again. Her monochromatic world filling with color once more. Does she deserve this new home?

And when she smiled so prettily──it just set Minato's heart in a million of flutters.

"I call dibs."

It was the most natural thing to say when presented with something you want. Everybody did it in his class, so why couldn't he? Though, one wasn't supposed to treat another as an object.

" ... y/n ... ?"

He let out a small laugh as he ran back home. Indeed, what a beautiful name.

And sadly,

This story won't be like the clichés.

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