one ── new student

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Ever since I first saw y/n by the front gate with Lord Third, I had been anticipating her arrival. Each day I would look to the door to the class and wait for a knock of some sort. Though, when there would be a knock I would get my hopes up when it turns out not being her. I just couldn't help myself. I mean, did she even want to be a ninja? Maybe she was just moving here to live as an ordinary citizen and nothing more?

No, she didn't look like the type to just sit back and watch.

Anyway, I was hoping that once she gets accustomed to me, so I could one day call her something a bit more intimate. Was that something odd to think about? Do the other guys think like that? Of course they do, my actions and thoughts are normal, right? I'm just waiting to meet someone and get to know them. Just a tiny interest is all. Besides, I had already started calling her y/n in my head, so now I just have to say it to her directly ( when she finally gets here, of course ). She'll probably be surprised at first, but she'll get used to it. I mean, when she first meets me, she'll probably act the same way I do!

And then, there was yet another knock on the classroom door, but I highly doubted that it was──

My gaze turned to the door, and my whole body froze in excitement. This was the one time that I actually doubted that it was her.

Y/n! I knew she would be here soon!

My first thought was to run up to her and greet her immediately, but I reluctantly held myself back, and let her introduce herself to the class. Now, I know that would have definitely been weird.

"Hello! My name is Y/n! I just recently moved here and everything, and──and I hope we can all be friends!"

The teacher smiled gently down at the girl which caused my blood to boil ever so slightly. Calm down. The teacher is just being nice. Besides, why am I overreacting already? I haven't even said a word to her? But I did call dibs, right?

What is wrong with me? I'm acting differently than usual.

But this is supposed to be normal. Everyone thinks like this when the see someone they take an interest in.

"Anything else you will like to add about yourself?"

I leaned forward a bit as I anticipated her answer, my mind on a complete overdrive as ignored my previous self-doubting thoughts. I wonder what her answer will be.

My mind went haywire as I went through the possibilities of what it could be. A talented ninja? A wonderful housewife? Maybe she wants to live a long life and start a family of her one day? I hear girls can be that ambitious. Though, she could always choose to live alone with a bunch of cats or dogs, too. But ... that wouldn't be ideal for me.

I started to tap my fingers on my legs as I stared at her. That action didn't seem weird though, everyone was watching her after all.

"I...I want to be a good ninja, and...maybe one day have a nice little family. I mean, I never really had a family, so I thought ... maybe one day ( far far into the future ) i could experience what an actual family is like. Though, being a ninja comes first!"

Well, I technically got it right.

"That's a good thing to think about," announced the teacher, "thinking about a family of your own in such hardships will always be one of the most important things. Now, go take a seat──ah! Why don't you sit next to Minato."

He motioned me to raise my hand which I gladly did.

Once y/n saw my hand go up she made her way to me, and took the open seat to my left.

Too bad I can't talk to her yet...class is still going...


The moment that class ended I immediately turned to her to start up a conversation. I would have talked to her during lunch, but she arrived a few minutes after it.

"Heya! My name is Minato Namikaze."

She jumped slightly as she turned to me with a blush present on her face, "I'm y/n, buuut you already knew that," she finished with an awkward laugh. Her hand reaching up to scratch at the back of her head.

I smiled at her as I scooted a bit closer to her, "you never said a last name, so will it be alright to call you y/n?"

She nodded and said, "anything is fine with me ... Mi──minato!"

Yep, I call dibs.

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