fourteen ── mission gone wrong

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I, Hiro, and Fugaku were all sitting in a circle, or...I guess one would call it a triangle instead. Anyway, we were on a mission to retrieve intel, and it's not going so good right now.

No matter what we do it's as if they can predict our every move before we even have a chance to go through with it.

On our first attempt that ended in failure, all Fugaku did was shrug his shoulders and say, "shit happens."


by our tenth attempt he really started to get fed up.
Someone knew what we would be doing at any moment.
That was when Fugaku bought something up when Hiro left to use the bathroom.

"He has to be selling us out y/n. It's impossible for the enemy to know everything that we have been doing without a spy."

I bit my lip. In all honesty, I had already begun to suspect Hiro by the second attempt, but I was too scared to say anything. I mean, we had been teammates forever, just really hurts whenever something like this happens.

"Alright. What do we do then?"

Even if he was a spy, we still had to finish the mission, and take out Hiro.

"First, we find evidence."

He took a small breath as he made sure that Hiro hadn't come back yet.

"Hiro can easily report to Lord Third that the two of us just suddenly attacked him out of nowhere, so evidence first. Then, we continue on with the mission. Take him back to the Leaf. Reveal our evidence. Then, we'll be done."

I nodded my head as we both got up to go where Hiro had run off to, and as expected he was already writing a message to his comrades while slipping a note into a container for his bird to hold.

"You know where to go."

Then, the bird took off in the direction of the enemy's base.

He really was-

"Y/n, I'm going to catch the bird, so tell Hiro that I went alone to the enemy base, and that you two will commence with the operation."


Why do I have a bad feeling about this?


"Let's go, Hiro."

He smiled at me and nodded, and I could only smile back.

What does it feel like to betray your comrades?
Is it easy?
I wouldn't know, so please enlighten me.

I closed my eyes as the mission began once more.


Our gazes looked all around the inside of the base once we got there.
I was surprised we weren't ambushed yet, and I couldn't help but to worry over Fugaku's safety.
Something bad is going to happen. I could feel it.

Then, there was an explosion causing I and Hiro to jump away just in the knick of time.

"There you two are."

Our eyes widened when our eyes clashed with the enemy. Fugaku was easily being held upside down by his ankle as we watched his bloody form be dropped down to the floor.

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