seven ── with me

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"Go out with me."

My voice rung out as I stared into a mirror. My voice sounded fine, and my expression didn't look weird at all.
I was planning one thing: to get y/n around the village, so that she could enjoy my company instead.

I'm confident that she would say yes, but

I'm still practicing for just incase emergencies.

You never know what could happen.
Besides, anyone who asks "what could possibly go wrong" -well- usually they're jinxing themselves, so it's best to prepare one's self for anything.

My body is ready.

Wait. No. That came out wrong.

Well, ok-

Maybe my body is ready, but-

N O. I can't think of that stuff now. Not until she is ready.

I sigh loudly as I finally got ready to go. Why am I thinking of this?

"Alright, time to go."


"Marry me?"

I paused as the words left my mouth. I was standing right in front of y/n, and since class hasn't started yet no one else was in the room but us two.

Wait. Did I seriously just-?


I blushed furiously, "what I meant was- bE My WIfE!"

I started to internally scream, thAT's THe SAmE THinG YuO FoOL!

My soul slowly started to leave my body.

I'm ruining it.

Then, I felt a hand grab my own hand and pull me into the seat right next her.

"That's a promise, ok?"

I could only nod as I blushed at her.

"Oh, and Minato?"


"I would love to go around the village with you."

"How did you-"

"You looked kind of sad when Fugaku stole me away yesterday, so I thought that was the reason."

Even after all of that practice in the mirror I still managed to mess up to the point where none of the words I practiced came out of my mouth. Instead different words left my mouth in place of 'go out with me' though...

I'm not complaining now.

We promised to marry each other after all.

In your face you stupid Uchiha!

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