twenty-four ── after the war

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The Third Great Ninja War was over and done with, but at the cost of losing one of my students. It was...a sad endeavor, but I hope that Obito will be happier in the after life.

Which reminds me-

I never really introduced y/n to my team.

I sighed little. Well, I dont want her to get too attached to them anyway. I mean, one of them had already died after all.

Anyway, after the war everyone had immediately began congratulating everyone who came back, and started to mourn for the ones who didn't. Tears were shed, happy moments for the ones who came back were created, and all I could think about at the time least y/n wasn't a part of the war.

I mean, she couldn't be. Not with all of her injuries that is.

Maybe Hiro did something right after all. Though, I would have much rather stopped her myself than having someone else do it.


My thoughts were broken immediately as y/n had tackled me into a hug. Not that she could push me to the ground anyway. Though, it still felt nice to be hugged by her.

Did she see anyone while I was away?
Should I ask?
Did she let anyone kiss her?

I closed my eyes as i tried to push all of the disturbing thoughts away. She wouldn't cheat on me like that.
Besides, if she did...I would just make sure that she would never do it again.

"I'm so happy your back! Actually there was this place I wanted to show you-"


Both of our gazes looked over to the person who had spoken.

"Yes," we said in unison.

The person in question immediately blushed put of embarrassment. His stature wanting to close in on itself.

"I'm sorry, I meant y/n-san..."

She smiled at the younger male as she gently beckoned him over, "what can I do for you?"

He took a deep breath and then gave her a long stare, "please divorce Minato-san and marry me."

What the hell?

"No," I said as I pulled her back to me, "I'm not letting you have her."

Y/n all the while could only let my hair as she looked back at the boy, "I'm not leaving Minato."

"I see...well, have a wonderful day then."

And once he was gone, my gaze was on y/n as I waited for answers.

I didnt think some civilian would try to take MY y/n away. Doesn't he know that I can slit his throat in a matter of seconds?

"I'm sorry Minato. Men have been really annoying me lately, but now that you're here, I dont have to worry about a thing!"

They been messing with her? Were they that confident that I wouldn't come back from the war? Damn assholes. They are even more annoying than Fugaku.

My gaze narrowed, but I tried to push the thoughts away once again.

Yeah .. y/n isn't leaving my side anytime soon.

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