six ── following

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I was determined to make sure that stupid Fugaku didn't try anything. It was already tough with how she wasn't mine yet, but I knew one thing for sure. I don't need any type of competition.

Especially with Uchiha scum.

Don't get me wrong. At first, I had no problem with the Uchiha clan, but now that one of them is literally trying g to get close to my y/n, well, it just makes me so angry. I bet she didn't even want to go to his clan. I bet she wanted to be with me.

And only me.

"Are you coming, y/n?"

And just like that the Uchiha and my precious y/n left together.

It just makes my blood boil over.

So, to calm my nerves I easily started to tail them. It's not like they would be able to catch up with me anyway. Nobody can match up to my speed. I am at the top of the class for a reason after all.


So far she met a lot of people from the Uchiha clan, but from my point of view it seems as if she isn't enjoying it at all.

I tailed them for the whole day, and it doesn't seem like she'll let him do anything either. Though, I did see that he tried to grab her hand from time to time, but she would notice at the last second and quickly point to something that she pretends that she wants to see or is interested in.

I'll have to admit, she's a lot better at deflecting people than I had originally thought.

Anyway, she was then escorted home after meeting his parents and eating dinner. Luckily there wasn't some kiss on the cheek or I definitely would've blown my cover right then and there.

Why must the Uchiha be so annoying sometimes? It's like they want to test my patience. Especially that Fugaku guy.

No matter, as long as their relationship stays distant, then I guess I'll accept this one time thing.

Maybe I should take her around the village tomorrow myself...

At least she'll enjoy my company.

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