thirty-six ── final

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⚠️ warning ⚠️

slight mature content ahead.


Her form began to shake as he grabbed a fistful of her hair.

"I asked you a question, y/n."

Her lips began to quiver as he easily picked her up by her hair. Her face was brought up to his own as his other hand traced her skin with the tips of his fingers.

"I...I was scared of you. Running away was the first thing that I thought of."

She should have waited till he was sleeping, then she would have had a better chance.

A better chance at escaping with her son.

"I wonder if I should teach you a lesson then..."

Her tears poured down her face faster than ever as a sinister smirk twisted itself across his face. Oh, how he loved seeing the different expressions that could decorate her beautiful face.

"please don't"

Her voice was barely above a whisper as he easily pinned her to the nearest wall. His hand had already let go of her hair as he instead pinned her wrists above her head. His other hand gripped at her waist as he pressed his body against her own.

"Do you realize how angry I am, y/n?"

"I won't ever do it again," she managed to say as he bit into her neck.

"Oh, I know you won't."

Grabbing at her dress he had easily torn it off of her. Her under clothes were matching as he fished out a kunai to cut at her bra and underwear.

His lips pressed against her skin as he let his free hand grip at her breasts, then bringing his face away from her skin. He smirked at his dear wife, "tell me, would you prefer it if I cut you instead?"


"What if I burned you? Drowned you? What if i would continuously hurt you over and over again? What then?"

"please don't"

He let go of her breasts as he let his hand travel down to her bundle of nerves. A single finger slipping into her heat as he watched her squirm.

"I don't think you understand, y/n. If you had managed to run away, then I really would have hurt you. I would have let you suffer for days on end until I felt satisfied."

Slipping in another finger she continued to struggle, her breathy moans could finally be heard as he kissed her lips harshly. His teeth biting at the skin as he forced her to submit.

"If you try to run again, then I'll make you regret it."

Then, he let go of her wrists and brought his hand away from her womanhood. Her naked form sliding to the ground as she looked up at him helplessly.

His eyes gained an insanity look to them as his smirk turned more devilish, "don't look at me like that y/n~"

Her arms were held close to her chest as he crouched down to her level.

"w-why Minato? w-why and how did all of this happen?"

Her voice was barely above a whisper again, and he let his arms wrap around her figure.

His shadow clones already disappearing as they let him know that Naruto was fast asleep. His memory wiped clean.

"What can I say, y/n," he began as his voice took on a sinister tone.

His arms easily picking her up, and carrying her to their shared room.

|"you're my 𝙘𝙖𝙡𝙢 and
i'm your 𝙨𝙩𝙤𝙧𝙢."|


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