four ── objects of belonging

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The next step has finally arrived! I need to take something that belongs to her! It is the most sensible thing to do. By taking things of hers, then it can be a sign that she is one step closer to belonging in my arms. is no question that she does already belong to me.

"Y/n? Do you know how to do this question?"

Now's my chance!

Y/n has proven that she had a high level intelligence. Especially in the homework department. Many of the female classmates started asking for her help, well, as long as I was busy myself because they know that I would just give them a harsh glare if they interrupted our conversation. Though I guess I should be thankful because the boys in my class don't even dare to come close. Mainly because I always make sure that someone comes and takes them away before they could get into anything meaningful. (This including Fugaku.)

Anyway, as y/n was distracted I reached over to her bag and quickly picked out a few of her most prized pencils that have had the owner to actually be chewed during long and turbulent tests.

I even took one of her eraser that had one of her fingernail imprints in it.

Just when they were finishing the problem I pit the bag back and stuffed the new found objects into my own bag with a small smile gracing my features.

"I'm not used to people asking for my help," y/n said quietly as she moved closer to me, "it's kind of scary talking to so many people at once. Heck, I don't even know if I gave them the right answers..."

She gave me a hopeful look, "maybe you could talk to them for me next time?"

I gave her an amused look in return, "why is that?"

"Because I like talking to you only...I'm not used to everyone else yet. Which was why I was thinking you can talk to the instead?"

I may have had an amused look on my face now, but in the inside I was smirking as I had easily tangled myself into y/n's life without any effort.

Just a little more.

And maybe later on I could stop by her place when she's out and about ...

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