twenty-six ── going to be-

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"I'm back!"

My head immediately snapped towards her voice. My eyes were dilated and my thoughts ran wild. My fingers tapped away on my knees as my whole body felt like it was tense.

She wouldn't have met up with anyone while she was out, right?

She belongs to me, right?

I won't let her leave.


She walked into out shared bedroom causing me to change my whole demeanor. A small smile resting on my face as I flashed over to her, "how was the grocery store?"

"It was fine. I also got your favorite food that we can make for after tomorrow's ceremony," she added with a smile as she wrapped her arms around my neck.

"That's right...the ceremony..."

I'm going to be the Fourth dream will finally come true.

My smile grew bigger as I placed my hands on her hips.

Should I ask her if she met up with anybody? No, i shouldn't. Not like it matters anyway. I already killed off that one weakling who had asked her to leave me once I came back from the war.


Even though he is gone now, he still pisses me off. I mean, just how many times has he asked her to leave me?

I guess I should have asked before I killed him while she was out going to the grocery store...

I then felt her start to move as she stood on her tippy toes to place a gentle kiss on my lips.

Then one of her hands went up to my hair as she untied my headband, and let her fingers get tangled up into my hair.

My hands gripped hips a but tighter as I pulled her closer to myself.

I'm not letting anyone else have her. Ever.

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