five ── happiness .. or not

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"Hey, y/n? What type of ninja do you want to be?"

A few days ago she had entrusted me with a secret. That secret being was that she was the next jinchuriki of the Nine-Tailed Fox.

Not to mention that something wasn't added up. Wasn't the Uzumaki Clan supposed to be in the ones to hold the nine-tails? Everything, or at least something, felt off about the situation. I didn't like it.

Besides, I never thought she would share something like that with me, but that only means that I'm making at least some sort of progress, right?

"I want to be able to protect my future family."

I smiled slightly, "me too, but I also want to become the Hokage."

She returned my smile, "I think you'll be a great Hokage."

A plan easily started to form in my head, "want to help me out?"

Her smile widened, "sure! We can start training together and everything!"

She didn't exactly understand what I was getting at, but it would do for now.

Her smile really is all the happiness that I need, but

That is for another life because I'm just too greedy. I'll take her happiness for myself and everything else she has to offer. I'll even give her the family she desires because I know that will make her even more happy.  ──── i shouldn't be thinking like this though. ──── You happiness is for me alone. ──── this is normal, right? right. ────


A new voice spoke up from behind us.
Not many people were in our class since it was lunch time.

And when we both turned, I could only feel pure annoyance radiate off of me because when i looked back, it was to see that damned Uchiha once again.

"Want to come by my house later? I could introduce you to some of the other Uchiha there."

She wasn't given any time to respond as continued to keep talking, talking, talking, "I'll take you there after class today."

With that Fugaku left to chat with some of the other boys in our class, and I found my anger slowly boiling over. Does he not see me sitting right here?

I'll have to make sure there isn't any funny business, so I'll just tail them the whole entire time.

Damn Uchiha.

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