twenty-three ── growing up again

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"You may kiss the bride."

I honestly never thought this day would come any sooner. I always worried about others getting so close to her, but now that she is married to me then she has to stay in the village no matter what.

All mine.

Granted, I started to immediately wonder who invited Fugaku Uchiha to the wedding, but then I had the sudden realization that he was indeed her teammate. Though, it should be understandable why I would want to forget such a guy.

Though, I guess I feel a tiny bit better seeing a girl hanging off of his arm. Said girl is known as Mikoto Uchiha. She was also one of our classmates, but I never bothered to notice her.

"I love you Minato."

My gaze snapped back to (Name) as I tiny smile made it's way into my face, "I love you too."


Little did she know, was that her freedom was going to dwindle down to nothing. To the point where she would only be able to rely on me. I guess I was just manipulative like that.

Considering that fact, I guess I will have to break her mind to do that.

Should be easy, right?

All for her.

All for her.

All for her.

She wouldn't mind. Not a single bit.

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