eleven ── when i see you again

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Age: Around 19



"So what's it like being a Jonin, Minato?!"

I could only laugh lightly as I shook my head. What's with everyone anyway? All I did was become a Jonin... Actually, I became a Jonin earlier than this, so why am i celebrating so late-?

Wait. Nevermind. I had that three year long mission...damn that took forever.

Though, y/n's team is taking longer.

"Its the same as always. Nothing changes much."

"That reminds me, aren't you going to be getting your own genin team soon?"

I looked off to the side.

That in itself is already complicated...

"Yeah. Soon."

It would be wise to be a sensei, but when y/n finally gets back that means I still won't have a lot of time with her...

"You look worried...is it about y/n?"

I snapped my head over to the guy in question as a blush overtook my cheeks, "w-what's it to you?!"

The guy merely smirked as he rested his chin in his palms, "you always liked her back in the academy. Trust me, everyone noticed."

What else did they notice?

"I see..."

"Did you ever tell her that you love her?"

"No..." but I thought that was obvious. Not to mention we did kind of promise to marry each other ..

The guy merely shook his head, "I hear they are supposed to be coming back soon. Why don't you tell her then?"

I could only nod at his words.

I'll tell her when I see her again.

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