seventeen ── retired

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Y/n continued to pout as she was just told by the Third Hokage that her injuries were too serious, and that she would have to retire.

I was standing off to the side as I gently patted her head, "you still completed the mission y/n. Heck, you even uncovered a traitor."

My mind immediately went back to Hiro. Now that i think about it, his sister is still being held captive. Oh well, she isn't my problem.

"But Minato-"

I lightly tapped her on the head, "you're retiring from being a ninja. There is nothing wrong with that, alright?"

She sighed as she finally nodded, "ok...but I dont know where I'll find a job...I didn't think I would need one in the first place."

"Minato can help you find one if need be."

She nodded again as I took her hand.

She'll be safe and sound now. I don't have to worry about her because there will be no reason for her to leave the village.

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