three ── fugaku uchiha

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An annoying Uchiha has crossed my path. Just now. And-

Is trying to talk to my y/n.

"Hey, my name is Fugaku Uchiha. You're the newbie, right?"

I started too glare daggers at the Uchiha, but my malice and killing intent wasn't exactly getting through...probably because of y/n's good nature, but still! Shouldn't this guy be in love with another Uchiha?! He should stay away from us and focus-

My gaze had flicked over to Mikoto Uchiha who had just walked through the door.

Ah. Perfect timing.

I quickly slipped away from the foul conversation and snatched Mikoto away so that she could take care of Fugaku.

I was not about to let y/n fall for some idiotic Uchiha. Definitely not!
If I had to let her go with someone else for some odd reason I would be sure that that person would be me- no matter what!

"Oh, Fugaku! Hi!"

A blush formed on his cheeks as he, too, greeted the black haired beauty, but she was definitely not my type.

( color ) hair is by far the prettiest.

"T-thanks Minato. I was hoping you would save me fr-from that-that conversation."

I could see herself curse at her own stuttering as I felt my heart was immediately set on fire by her statement causing me to move just a tad but closer to her, "no problem. Now, back to telling me about yourself, please."

Though I didn't like the part where Fugaku interrupted seems y/n is far more comfortable with me since I 'saved' her.

I guess the Uchiha do have their uses .. from time to time.

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