thirty-four ── runaway

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I was quick to run back home, and start to pack up all of our things.
Naruto understood that we were leaving, but he didn't quite understand as to why.

Though, I did try to explain that his father was bad news.

I...I honestly didn't know how else to say it. The man that I had been with all of this time killed for me just because people were getting to close.

How many was it?

How many people did he kill for me?

I bit my lip as I finished packing our things.

Tears dripping from my eyes as I picked up Naruto after grabbing our few belongings.

"We're running away, Naruto. No matter what."

He latched onto me as we made it to the front door. My breaths hitching ever so slightly as I tried to calm myself down.

I knew I won't be able to fight him, and even if I did...I would lose instantly.

So, the best thing for us both was for me and Naruto to escape.

I won't let him hurt us.

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