twenty-seven ── hokage

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⚠️ warning ⚠

mature content ahead



My grip on her hips was tight as I held her close to me. My lips pressing against hers as she started to tug at my hair with one of her hands while the other moved from my neck and gripped at my shoulder instead.

My tongue glided across her bottom lip as I asked for entrance. Though, she refused causing me to frown at her choice.

So, I decided to slip my fingers under her shirt that she was wearing and dig them into her skin. She opened her mouth to whimper, but I took my chance and slipped my tongue into her mouth. My tongue glided across her teeth, the insides of her cheeks, and to the roof of her mouth. My eyes cracked open a bit as my gaze was narrowed and dangerous.

All mine.

I then pressed her tongue down with my own, and moved my hands up her body, her shirt moving up as well.

Breaking the kiss off, I easily pulled her shirt off of her and over her head. Though, I was half tempted to just tear it off with a kunai...

Ignoring my thoughts, I let my fingers trace small circles on her skin though I quickly took notice of how her legs started to shake. Smirking a bit, I leaned into her, "getting tired already y/n?"


I lightly hummed as I picked her up, and carried her to the bed. Once she was comfortable, I went back to letting my fingers run across her skin. Her scars from when Hiro betrayed her were fully gone by now. And remembering that I killed him made it even better.

Then, I took notice of my fingers prints that had easily been left on her skin. She bruises so easily.

Finally, I lifted her up a bit. My fingers lightly playing with the hook to her bra.

"You know y/n, we dont have to continue...not yet at least."

Her body language is obvious. She really isn't ready...

"T-thank y-you."

I sighed lightly as I hugged her, "get some sleep. We have a long day tomorrow with the ceremony."

She nodded and pecked me on the lips.

Getting up from her form, I had gone to change into my night clothes, and when I came back y/n was changed into some new clothes too.

"Night Minato."

"Good night," I said to her as i got into the bed. I don't want to do anything to her if she isn't ready...but damn, I really thought she was ready.

( a/n: Ha! You thought- )

The very next morning I could feel someone hitting me in the shoulder. Though lightly.

"Mi-na-to! You're going to be late!"

"Lies, I'm never late," i mumbled as i turned onto my side.

She pouted at my back, and all I could do was smirk. Deserves her right for leading me on. Fricking tease.


This...went on for about five more minutes until I finally decided to get up and stretch a bit.

the calm and the storm || namikaze minato ✓Where stories live. Discover now