eight ── around town

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Her hand fit perfectly in mine as I pulled her around town. I didn't really bother to point out anything. I just wanted to enjoy her company.


"Marry me?"

I paused as the words left my mouth. I was standing right in front of y/n, and since class hasn't started yet no one else was in the room but us two.

Wait. Did I seriously just-?


I blushed furiously, "what I meant was- bE My WIfE!"


I still can't believe I did that, but-

She held a dango in her hand as she offered me a bite.

She's happy with the outcome, and I AM TOO.

Though, the moment that my thoughts started to wonder, an off feeling settled in. My whole body tensing as danger loomed inside.

And then,

I felt incredibly irritated.

Looking around, it wasn't hard to guess what the problem was.

"Tch. You fucking asshole-"

Once y/n had turned around to look at something through a window, I had disappeared, but only to reappear behind Fugaku who had been following us since we left the classroom.

"If I were you, I wouldn't ruin this, understand?"

A kunai was pressed firmly against his neck, a twisted smirk painting across my face.

"You're crazy! You should leave y/n alone! Don't think I haven't noticed all the things you have been doing!"

I pulled him into an alley as y/n was distracted by a street vendor selling cute little stuffed animals. I have to wrap this up quickly before she notices ..

"Enlighten me. What things have I been doing to attract the all mighty attention of the Uchiha?"

My tone was dangerous as I made a tiny cut into his skin.

He didn't lose his confidence as he spoke. Damn Uchiha.

"You steal her things, and even take trips to her apartment. I saw you doing something in there that you shouldn't have been doing."

I pressed my lips together as I made a deeper cut this time.

"Now, how might you know about all these things? The only reason I can think of is that you've been watching y/n too~. Am I right?"

Then, something in my mind finally clicked. A sort of on switch as I just took notice of something that shouldn't have left Fugaku's mouth., "who gave you permission to call her by her first name?"

I let the kunai go back to his neck when-

"Mi-Minato?! W-where did you go?!"

"Don't think for a second that you're getting out of this," I said while backing off of him, leaving him where he was standing.

Then, I appeared before y/n a second later as I left Fugaku to think of our conversation, "sorry, had to go check something out. Sorry if I kept you waiting," I easily laughed it off as I grabbed her hand again.

"O-oh, sorry. I didn't know-"

I cut her off as I started to pull her away to the next place, "dont worry about it!"

I really should do something about Fugaku though, or he's going to say something to y/n that I don't want her to hear.

Besides, only I can have her.

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