eight pt. 2 ── warning

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I smiled brightly as I waved slightly, "hello, is Uchiha Fugaku home? I have a question over today's assignment."

"Fugaku! Your friend from school is here!"


His footsteps could be heard throughout the house, but as he rounded the corner amd made eye contact with me, he immediately stopped in his tracks.

"Oh, Minato..."

He knew why I was here.

How could he possibly forget?

"Don't worry! It's just a quick training session that the teacher wanted us to learn. It'll be very quick."

I then grabbed him by the arm while bidding goodbye to his mother.


"Alright, you know why I brought you here."

Fugaku sat in front of me as I had brought him to one of the training grounds. My glare was solely on him as my lips were pressed into a firm line.

"I swear I won't say anything to her, ok!?"

I squatted down to him whole grabbing a handful of his hair.

"Oh really?"

My tone was unbelieving as I brought his face closer to mine. I should just get rid of him here, but...something tells me that I could use him later on.

"Listen here Fugaku. I won't kill you if you do one thing for me."

"What would that be."

Uchiha pride will always surprise me...

"I want you to make sure that no one else gets close to y/n when I'm away on missions after our graduation."

"What makes you think that you'll be on separate teams?"

"Call it a hunch."

Well, actually I snuck into the Hokage's office and figured it out when I saw the lots of future teams, but Fugaku doesn't need to know that.


I smirked at him as I let him go, "but if I find out that you are trying to get with her again, then I will kill you, understand?"

He merely nodded as I let him leave the training grounds.

Now, to go see y/n!

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