1. The start of a new year

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"A big golden ball is high in the sky. Shining light get in my eyes but I feel so fine. You grow a flowers in my mind, I don't know why. Please take my hand and get away through this night.

I can see the sunshine. I can see the moonlight. With you the sun is rising, with you the moon is shining. Lay down with me till the end of time."

Ming squinted into the sun as he drummed his fingers on the steering wheel in tune to the beat. He mouthed the words silently and bobbed his head. Today marked the day of his official first day as a college freshman. His mom wanted to come and see him off but he refused. For one thing, he didn't bring a lot of stuff so he really didn't even need any help. Secondly, if he allowed his mom to come, she would become extra dramatic about "her baby" leaving home. She would start cleaning everything, crying, and try persuading him again to live at home and just commute to school.

No. He didn't need any of that right now. He loved his mother just as much as she loved him, but no. Besides, he also wanted to see Pang after moving in. They had been going through a rough patch in their relationship lately, although he wasn't exactly sure what had upset her this time. They hadn't seen each other in a week. He was just hoping that seeing each other in person would make things better. Ming figured the stress of moving away and starting uiversity was stressing Pang and like always, she was taking it out on him.

Woke up in the night. No one here. Pouring rain will make a chance to cover my tears. I know something that I can do. I'm thinking of you. With you my troubles goes away, light my life.

I can see the sunshine...

Ming turned into the university campus as the song played on, being sure to follow the signs that lead to his dorm. Many staff and student volunteers were out directing traffic and helping students move in all over campus. They were all wearing bright yellow shirts so they can easily be seen. Ming was directed to the carpark by a very excited guy with braces. When he got there, he easily found a spot to park and got out to go check in. He already knew his room assignment (he paid extra to have a single room with no roommate), he just needed to get the key.

"This way, nong!" A voice called out to him. Ming turned to see more staff sitting at a table with papers, clipboards, and a box of small manila envelopes. Ming assumed that those envelopes held the room keys. Students were allowed to visit the campus ahead of move-in day to pick up the keys but he hadn't done that.

Ming walked over to the girl and gave her his name. After checking his name off the clipboard and handing him his room key, she eyed him up and down.

"Ayyyeee, so handsome, you are! You might be the one to give all the freshman girls heart attacks this year."

"Not me, P." Ming smiled.

"Huueeeyyyy! Look at that smile too! You know exactly how to win a girl's heart."

"Oh leave him alone." The girl next to her scolded her lightly. "At least let him move in first before you pester him."

"Who's pestering? I'm just letting him know how handsome he is." She turned back to Ming. "Will you try to run for Moon of the university?"

"Only if you'll vote for me." Ming smiled again.

"Ayyeeee!!" The girl squealed and began slapping her friend's arm excitedly.

"Oiiii, Lay. That hurts!" Her friend was clearly annoyed now.

Ming laughed but looked apologetic when he looked at the friend. "I'll go now, P'. Kahp kun khrap." He waiied politely. "Kahp kun khrap, P'Lay." He waiied at her too then turned and headed back to his car to grab his things. Both girls stared after him. When he was out of sight, P'Lay turned back to her friend, still grinning. When Lay saw the frown on her face, her smile dropped.

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