10. Back Again

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*a few days later*

Ming and Wayo walked together from the 7/11 back to their dorm. Ming had wanted to get some drinks to stock some in his mini fridge, and Yo wanted to stock up on snacks. Even though the weather had been really hot during the day, now that the sun had gone down, it actually felt good out. So, both boys strolled slowly, enjoying the cooler weather.

"I still can't believe they're making us dance for the pageant!" Yo's voice was a mixture of a small child whining and his own self being very exasperated. 

"Don't start this again, Ai'Yo." Ming pleaded. You have to get over it already. It's happening, okay? We all have to do it. It's not like you're being singled out."

"But why is no one else worried? How is everyone so confident about it? Especially you, you overconfident jerk." Yo replied, giving Ming a light shove.

"I wouldn't say I'm overconfident. I'm just as clueless about this as you are. There's no use in stressing over it. We just have to do our best."

Yo sighed and frowned, looking at his feet as he walked.

"Besides, have you noticed at the practices that no one is really a good dancer? We all suck!" Ming said cheerfully.

Yo looked back up at Ming in surprise then started to laugh when he saw Ming's happy expression even though he was calling everyone terrible dancers.

"Really, don't sweat it, Ai'Yo. You'll be fine."

Yo shook his head. He was feeling a little better after Ming's silly comment. Ming was good at cheering him up even when he was overreacting. It was part of the reason he had wanted to be his friend all those years ago in grade school.

Both boys walked on, chatting about nothing in particular. It was Yo who had to stop Ming from talking once they arrived at their dorm.

"Uh, Ming?"

Ming looked at Yo and saw that he was staring straight ahead. He followed his gaze and saw Pang standing outside the dorm's doors. Ming had never told Pang what his room number was so she had to stand outside and wait.

"What is she doing here? I thought you two were finished." Yo whispered harshly under his breath.

"We are." Ming said back.

"Then what's she doing here?"

"I don't know..."

Ming slowed his pace as they both approached the dorm entrance. Pang only had eyes for Ming as she looked at him with an expression that Ming couldn't really read.

"Pang," Ming acknowledged her. After a brief moment of silence, her eyes flitted back and forth between Ming and Wayo.

"Ming...I need to talk to you." Her voice didn't hold any anger in it so Ming began to wonder what she could possibly want right now.

Ming looked at Yo and Yo met his gaze with one of annoyance although he was trying to hide it. As much as Yo didn't like Pang, he didn't want to outwardly disrespect her either.

"I'll uh...meet you inside." Yo said quietly. He reached out to take Ming's bags to bring them inside for him. Ming would just have to come by his room to pick them up later. When Yo was sure to be out of earshot, that's when Pang spoke.

"How have you been?" She asked.


"...What have you been up to?"

Ming took a pause before responding with a question if his own.

"What do you need to talk to me about, Pang?" Ming's voice wasn't mean either but he really didn't want to stand out here and make small talk with his ex-girlfriend. What was there to talk about?

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