20. A Game For Two

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Friday came much quicker than Kit was expecting and for some reason, he was nervous. Today was the day. The day he and Ming were officially a fake couple. The day they were to start acting like they were in love with each other. Kit had told Phana and Beam what happened after he returned from the Student Affairs offices but he left out the part where he and Ming were going to pretend to be a couple. The way he told it, Beam and Phana believed that he was only going on the trip because there was no way that he couldn't. That didn't stop Beam from teasing him though.

Kit packed up his last few things in his small suitcase and set everything by the door. He was going to meet with Ming to get something to eat before coming back, grabbing his things, and heading out to catch the bus for their weekend trip. Kit didn't know what to expect and he couldn't stop the butterflies from dancing around in his stomach.

At the canteen, Ming was already waiting for him at the entrance. Ming smiled brightly when he spotted Kit approaching him. Kit gave a weak smile in return. They were only meeting up to discuss some boundaries between them for this weekend trip. They needed to make sure they were both on the same page so they could get through the weekend easily and without possibly blowing their cover.

"Hi P'Kit!" Ming said happily. "Ready for this weekend?"

"As ready as I'll ever be." Kit said flatly. How can he be so excited for this? Kit thought to himself.

Ming held the door to the canteen open and let Kit go in first. "After you, my dear. And might I say, you look lovely today."

Kit halted in the middle of the entrance and turned to face Ming.

"Don't overdo it." He said through gritted teeth, then continued on. Undeterred, Ming followed behind him, still smiling.

"We're here to discuss boundaries anyway. Can't you at least not start until we get on the bus?" Kit asked in a low voice as they walked to find an empty table.

"Aw, I'm just having a little fun. Besides, we have to make it believable. How will anyone believe us if you treat me coldly?" Ming grinned and Kit frowned at him. "It's time to turn on your acting skills my lovely boyfriend."


But Kit didn't get a chance to respond because Ming quickened his pace the moment he spotted an empty table, leaving Kit trailing behind him.

"You stay here and I'll go get our food." Ming said.

"I can get it myself. You don't even know what I want."

"I'll know if you tell me." Ming cocked his head to the side, still smiling.

"I can just get it myself." Kit tossed his bag down and was about to walk away when Ming placed both his hands on Kit's shoulders, stopping him. Kit froze at the closeness and stared at Ming.

What is he doing? Is he about to kiss me right here? Why is he so close? What should I do, what should I do??

The thoughts ran wild in Kit's head all within a few seconds. His heartbeat quickened and his stomach felt like it just dropped from under him.

"I'll get the food, P. We have no idea who is watching us now. Just like those pictures surfaced of us without our knowledge the first time, it could happen again. So just relax, okay?"

Kit's voice was caught in his throat and all he could do was nod his head. Ming smiled again and patted Kit gently. Then he turned on his heels and walked to get in line. Kit stood silently with his mouth open as he watched Ming walk away. He let out a deep breath and brought his hand up to  feel his heart. He could still feel how hard it was slamming into his chest. When he realized he was still standing and staring, he looked around in embarrassment and finally took his seat.

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