27. Call It Off

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Kit sat in his class, twirling his pencil between his fingers, completely zoned out. He hadn't heard what the professor was teaching about for the past hour, nor had he been paying Beam and Phana any mind at all when they tried to engage in conversation with him. His absentmindedness definitely didn't go unnoticed by them. Phana knew for sure something was wrong when a breeze from the open window blew Kit's top sheet of paper off his desk and he made no moves to pick it up. Beam slowly bent down to retrieve it and place it back on Kit's stack of papers, then leaned over to Phana.

"What's up with him? Has he talked to you today?"

Phana shook his head. "I'm just as clueless as you. But I have an idea of what could be bothering him."

Beam turned to face him. "What could be bothering him though? He just got back from a free vacation with his lover!" He whispered loudly.

Phana gave Beam a pointed look, waiting for him to catch on. A brief moment of silence passed before a bell went off in Beam's head.

"Ohhhhh! You think his bad mood has something to do with Ming?"

"It has to be. That's the only major changes that have happened in his life. Unless he's keeping something else from us."

"But he won't talk to us."

Phana shrugged and turned to look at Kit once more. "Give him time. That's all we can do."

After Beam and Phana turned back to face the front, Kit's phone vibrated in his pocket. He pulled it out and his heart skipped a couple beats when he saw Ming's name. He didn't want to admit to himself that he was happy to see Ming's name appear on his screen because he was still sad and angry that Ming had chosen Pang over him. His anger quickly turned to fear that Ming could be texting him right now to break things off with him for good.

Kit stared at his phone and watched as the messages appeared.

Ming: Good afternoon P'Kit! Will I get to see you today?

Ming: I miss you

Ming: Let's have dinner tonight

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Ming: Let's have dinner tonight.

Kit blinked in confusion. Is he prolonging it? Kit wondered. He's being flirty and sweet to me and wants to have dinner together...maybe he wants to have dinner so that he can end things with me then...

Kit's mind started wandering and he began thinking of all the ways Ming could humiliate him by breaking up with him.

Wait. We're not even dating. So how can he 'break up' with me?


Kit shoved his phone back in his pocket and tried to focus on class but Ming was sending more messages.

Ming: In fact...I think we should talk, P.

Ming: Is everything okay? I haven't heard from you lately.

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