29. Admit It (part 2)

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Ming tossed and turned slowly before finally opening his eyes. Things felt different and strange and he was uncomfortable. He vaguely remembered getting back to the dorms that night. The last thing he remembered was seeing Kit and then throwing up just about everything he drank earlier in the night. Even lying still, in the bed right now, Ming could feel the faint poundings of a hangover and if he made any sudden movements, those faint poundings would quickly turn into sledgehammers.

He ran his hand along the bed beside him, feeling for his phone but he couldn't find it. Something just felt...off. He sat up slowly, but even moving slowly didn't keep the sledgehammers in his head at bay. He grimaced as he sat into an upright position and when his eyes adjusted to the dark, he realized why things felt so strange. He wasn't in his own bed. And this wasn't his room.

Ming startled a bit when he saw Kit curled up on the small couch against the wall, with a blanket pulled up to his chin. Instant panic flooded Ming's nerves as he threw the covers off of him and immediately checked to see if he was wearing any boxers. He was, but they weren't his and his panic shot even higher. He scrambled from the bed, knocking his knee against the nightstand in his haste. His phone, that was resting near the lamp, clattered to the floor. The commotion caused Kit to stir and open his eyes.

"...Ming?" He called sleepily.

"What happened last night?" Ming asked hurriedly.

Kit sat up and yawned before reaching up and turning on the tall floor lamp that was next to the small sofa. Ming closed his eyes and grimaced once again when the lights hit his corneas. It felt like the sun was trying to sear its way past his eyelids and into his brain. The migraine from this hangover was too much.

"Ahh!" Ming couldn't stop the painful expression from leaving his lips and he grabbed his head.

"Sorry." Kit stood to his feet and walked over to his desk. He kept a small personal refrigerator right next to it and he pulled out a drink and swiped what looked like medicine packets off the top of the desk. He briefly checked the time before approaching Ming, yawning again as he did.

"What time is it?" Ming asked.

"Almost 4am. Drink this." Kit handed the drink over as well as the tablets and Ming recognized it right away; it was medicine and a special drink for hangovers.

Ming slowly took it from Kit's hands and watched him as he went back to the couch.

"What happened last night?" Ming asked again, the frenzied worry and accusatory tone was gone from his voice now.

"You drank a lot on an empty stomach then threw it all up. I couldn't find your room key so I brought you here."

His room key? Ming glanced down at the nightstand where his phone had been before falling to the floor. His wallet was there too. But where the heck were his keys?

A sudden memory flashed across his mind. Panit. Panit had come over to the bar shortly after Ming had finished his second drink and snatched his keys away. Even though Ming hadn't driven that night, Panit was overly worried about him and thought it would be best to confiscate his keys. Hopefully he still had them. Panit was really responsible so Ming was sure he did.

"Did we...?"

"No." Kit said sternly before Ming could even complete the question. He stared at Ming and Ming held his gaze.

Has his opinion of me changed so much that he thinks I would do something like this to him? Kit thought silently. A wave of hurt and disappointment swept over him just as unexpectedly as Ming's question.

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