26. Back To Reality

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The bus ride back to campus had actually been a rough one. What started out relaxing quickly became stressful when one of the bus tires blew out after riding over a large nail in the street. The nail had completely ripped the tire and they had to wait for a mechanic to come with a new tire and switch it out. They also had to report the incident and take account for everyone on the trip since this was essentially a school trip, before being able to continue on back to campus. Ming and Kit were so tired when they finally arrived, they simply said good night to each other before heading to their respective rooms and turning in for the evening. 

Before drifting off to sleep, the last thought that crossed Ming's mind was that he couldn't wait to tell Wayo the news about him and Kit. Yo would completely lose his mind!


Ming grouchily awoke to his Monday alarm. He had been so tired last night that he had forgotten to turn it off. His classes weren't until later in the day and he didn't have any activities to attend this morning as the Campus Moon so he rolled back over and tried to go back to sleep. But that proved futile once P'Kit crossed his mind. A small smile danced at the corners of his mouth as he reached for his phone, hoping to see a message from Kit, his heart leaping in his chest when he actually saw Kit's name on his phone screen. Ming opened the message quickly.

Congratulations. You're officially my brother-in-law.

There was a facebook link attached to the text message and Ming opened it, curious to know what Kit was talking about. The link took him to a photo that was unmistakable. It was two photos of Yo and Phana at a carnival together looking very much like a couple in love. 

Ming shot up out his bed, throwing the covers off of him and enlarging the photos so he could see better. What in the world?? A slew of shocked thoughts flitted through his mind. The first photo was of Phana handing a large bear to Yo over a fence at a basketball court with a lot of people watching. The second photo was of them walking together, Yo holding the bear, and Phana with his arm over Yo's shoulders.

Ming's mouth dropped open and he jumped to his feet. When did this happen?? Why hadn't Yo told him? It was true that he left for the weekend but he still could have texted him. Ming looked down and thought for a moment, realizing that he hadn't spoken to Wayo for the entire weekend.

"Shiaa..." He said aloud. He had been so consumed with his own life he wasn't even fully aware of what was going on in the life of his best friend. But still, Yo would have at least texted him about it...right?

Ming quickly ran to the bathroom to brush his teeth and splash some water on his face. After, he shoved his feet in his slippers, snatched up his phone and ran to Wayo's room. He usually had class in the morning so Ming wanted to catch him before he left for the day.


Yo was sound asleep in his bed as the sun shone through his window, making his long eyelashes cast shadows on the upper parts of his cheeks. His professor for class that morning had emailed everyone the night before, canceling it. Yo was grateful because that meant he could sleep in. But his sleep was ruined when there was a vicious banging on his door.

"Ai'Yo!!" *Bang!* *Bang!* Bang!*

Yo leapt up so fast he became tangled in his bed sheets and went crashing off the side of the bed. What the hell is going on??

"Wayo open the door! Yo!"

That was Ming's voice. He had gotten back from his trip late last night but Yo had fallen asleep before he could tell him all about the night at the carnival. Yo had a boyfriend now and his name was Phana Kongthanin. Ming would scream.

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