2. The Head Hazer

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The sun blazed down across the campus as the freshmen students filed into the large gym. Tables were placed in front of the entrance of each double door. As students filed in, they stopped at the tables to give their names. In return, their name was checked off a list and they were given a name tag with their student ID number on it only.

Ming approached the table and smiled politely at the girl with the list.

"Sawatdee krap."

"Sawatdee ka. What is your name, please?"

"Mingkwan Daichapanya, khrap." He waited patiently as she scanned the list carefully then put a check next to his name. She grabbed an empty name tag and began writing as she spoke again.

"Your ID number is 0508. Please make your way right over there and take a seat." She pointed behind her, towards a large empty space where many freshmen were milling about or sitting and chatting. "You all will be instructed on what to do shortly."

Ming nodded and leisurely made his way over to the large space. He noticed that the students had left space near the front and he could only guess that they were leaving room for whomever was coming to instruct them.

He looked around, scanning faces but nobody looked familiar so he chose to take an empty seat near the front. Not long after he sat down, he felt someone tap his shoulder. Ming turned to see a guy, small in stature with a young face, smiling awkwardly at him. He looked more like a young boy than a college student.

"Hello, khrap." The boy waiied briefly.

Ming waiied back. "Hello."

"Do you..." Ming could tell he was feeling shy. "...know anyone here?"

Ming smiled as if he were looking at a younger sibling and shook his head. "Nope. I have a friend at this university but he's in the faculty of science. Are you here alone?" Ming noticed that he had a slight accent when he spoke.

The boy nodded. "All my friends chose to stay up north for university."

"The north? Where are you from?"

"Chiang Rai."

"Hueeyyy. You've come so far by yourself. Why didn't you want to stay in Chiang Rai? It's got to be much more peaceful than Bangkok."

"Well...that's just it. I've lived in the countryside all my life. I want to be able to say I've seen more than just rice fields and dirt roads." He cast his eyes downward and began playing with his hands.

Ming nodded in understanding but began to smile soon after. The boy was so cute when he sulked. With his pale skin and small, pink mouth he almost reminded him of Wayo. And just like with Yo, he felt an inner desire to befriend this kid and protect him if need be.

"Hey, don't worry about it." Ming said, placing a hand on the boys shoulder. "Bangkok has a lot to offer. And you chose a really good university too. This school has one of the best engineering programs in the country."

The boy instantly lit up. "Thanks!"

"I'm Ming, by the way."

"My name is Panit." [Author's Note: His name is pronounced as PAH-NEET]

Ming nodded. "If you don't have any friends here, stick with me and I can introduce you to my best friend, Wayo."

"The one you said is in the faculty of science?"

"Mmhmm. You kind of remind me of him."

"I do??"

"Mmm. Small. Pale skin. Cute. Very nice."

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