25. Real or Fake

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Kit sat on the couch texting Beam and Phana in a group chat while Ming finished getting ready. They needed to be downstairs in ten minutes and both of them still had no idea where they were going.

Beam: So, how's it going Kitttyyyy 

Kit: Don't call me Kitty! 

Phana: What have you guys done all weekend? Is the hotel nice?

Beam: Do they have good food?

Kit rolled his eyes. All Beam ever cared about was food. Kit had no idea how Beam stayed so thin when he ate all the time.

Kit: Of course you ask about food!

Kit: The hotel is amazing! It's so luxurious. We got the penthouse suite.

Beam: No way!

Phana: A school club can afford a penthouse suite?

Kit: There was a mixup and our original room was given away. This was the only room the hotel had left and they had to give it to us because the university paid for our room before they gave it away.

Phana: That's crazy

Beam: Take pictures! I wanna see

Kit had already taken pictures of the entire suite and quickly sent them to his friends.


Phana: That's absolutely huge! It's almost as big as my house

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Phana: That's absolutely huge! It's almost as big as my house.

Kit: I KNOW! It's insane.

Beam: Have you and Mingy Poo put that king sized bed to use? :D

Kit: Dammit Beam!

Phana: 55555555555555

Kit: I have to go, we're leaving soon. Dinner date.

Phana: Have fun

Beam: Take pictures of the food!

Kit shook his head at Beam's final comment and clicked out of the chat. Seriously, food was the only thing ever on his mind. Kit shoved his phone in his pocket and was about to call for Ming when he exited the room with his wallet and phone in his hand.

Kit's eyes trailed from Ming's feet, all the way to his hair. Ming was wearing slacks that were a soft peach color and a white button up shirt that had flowers on each chest the same color as his slacks. The stems and leaves of the flowers were a deep green and they looped and swirled to create a beautiful design around the peach colored flowers. The collar of the shirt had green trimming, the same color as the leaves and stems, and his top buttons were open, showing a bit of his chest. Ming had his sleeves rolled up to the elbow as well and wore clean white sneakers on his feet. His hair, still wet, was lazily slicked back. It gave his hair a handsomely tousled look.

Wow... Kit thought. I know the letter said to look nice but sheesh...this man is gorgeous.

The soft peach color accentuated Ming's tan skin, allowing him to look slightly sun-kissed. The fading bruise on his forehead did not detract from his beauty. Kit wanted to stare at him forever.

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