16. The Campus Moon Couple

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Kit sat in his room waiting for Phana and Beam to come over. They decided to study in his room today instead of Phana's just for a change in scenery since they always studied in Phana's room. Kit was just pulling his textbooks out and setting them on his bed when there was a knock at his door and Beam's annoying voice followed shortly after.

"Oh Kitttyyyyyyy." Beam sang from behind the door. Kit rolled his eyes and walked over to let him in.

When he opened the door, Beam was leaning against the door post with a very knowing smile on his face. He wiggled his eyebrows mischievously and Kit took a step back.

"What the heck is wrong with you? And where is Ai'Pha?"

Beam stepped in the room, immediately taking off his shoes. "I don't know, I thought he was here already."

"What are you all smiley about?"

Beam took a deep breath then began to dance around the room. "Kitty's got a boooyyyfriend. Kitty's got a boooyyyfriend."

Kit slammed the door closed and turned on Beam.

"Shut up before I punch you. You already know that Ming and I aren't dating." Kit stormed back into the center of his room, shaking his head. They had both given Ming a large bouquet of flowers at the pageant so what was Beam going on about now?

Some of the excitement went out of Beam's eyes as he stopped dancing. "Wait...so you didn't change your mind about him?"

"Of course not!" Kit folded his arms across his chest.

"Then...I take it that you haven't seen the new page created for the Campus Moon Couple?" Beam asked a bit nervously. Kit's eyes widened with horror.

"THE WHAT?" He bellowed.

Beam jumped at how loud Kit's voice was and ducked away from him. Kit's face was instantly red and he was rounding on Beam as if he was the one that created the page.

"What have you done!" Kit came closer.

"Nothing! It wasn't me, I swear. Someone made a page for you and Ming. I thought you knew about it already. The page is super popular after the pageant the other night."

"What the hell are you talking about?" Kit had backed Beam up to the desk and Beam fell into the desk chair with his hands out, trying to keep Kit from hitting him.

"Look," Beam hurriedly pulled his phone out his back pocket and began scrolling and tapping like a madman until he found what he was looking for. He thrust the phone in Kit's face causing him to take a couple steps back. Kit stared angrily at the phone until what he was looking at finally registered. The banner picture of the page was the picture of Kit feeding Ming and almost immediately Kit could feel his stomach sinking and his heartbeat speeding up.

The profile picture was a photo of Ming during his Muy Thai performance, but it was the large photo in the posts section that really caught Kit's eye. Someone had captured the moment of when he had presented Ming with the bouquet of 200 roses. In the photo, Kit was staring at Ming, smiling with his head slightly tilted to the side and Ming was staring back at Kit looking bewildered and shy. It would have been the perfect photo....if they were actually dating.

"Nooooo, no no no," Kit whined, getting louder with each 'no'. He moved to sit down on his bed as he scrolled madly through the rest of the photos that were posted. The other photos from that day in the canteen were there and so where others from the night of the pageant. In every single one, it looked like Kit and Ming were staring at each other. And just like Beam had said, the page was popular. It already had hundreds of followers and there were likes and comments under every single picture. Kit couldn't bring himself to read any of them.

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