19. Trapped

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As soon as class ended, Ming sprinted for the door and was one of the first people out. He knew that if he lingered around, he would risk being stopped by someone to talk. Ever since he won the Moon and Star pageant, his schedule was jam-packed most days and many people from different clubs would ask him for favors in order to make their club look good. 

To be completely honest, Ming was tired. Had he known that being the Moon of the university would change his social life like this, he would have found another way to make Kit agree to be his friend. He supposed this was his punishment for having ulterior motives for winning the Moon and Star pageant. But he couldn't worry about that now. He only had a few minutes until he had to meet Kit and Monty at the student center.

When he arrived, Monty and Kit were already there, standing inside near the front door.

"You made it!" Monty exclaimed and ran over to meet him. Kit joined them soon after.

"Hello Ai'Kit. You've met Monty?"

Kit nodded and so did Monty. Monty turned to face Kit. "I know I've explained already. But I really am sorry, P'Kit."

Kit shook his head and waved his hand a bit. "You don't have to apologize again. Let's just hurry and go explain what happened."

They all three headed upstairs to the second floor and made an immediate beeline towards the student affairs suite. Once inside, they worked their way to the back of the suite where the student clubs office was.

"Sawatdee ka. How can I help you?" There was a cute girl sitting at the front desk staring at the three of them expectantly. Monty spoke first.

"We need to talk to whoever is running the contest for Favorite University Couple."

"Ahhh," The girl nodded. "You will need P'Lay. She stepped out for a moment so please wait right over there." She stood to her feet and politely motioned towards a very small sitting area in the corner. 

There were only two small chairs and a tiny table that was low to the ground with a few magazines on the top. The three boys slowly walked over to wait.

"And congratulations on winning the competition ka." She smiled then took her seat at the desk again.

Ming immediately looked at Kit with a worried expression and Kit felt warmth flush his cheeks. While he was embarrassed about the rumors, he had to admit that he felt a sense of relief that he had not yet experienced anyone against him and Ming being a couple. He didn't like the constant stares, but everyone so far had actually been...supportive.

What if he and Ming really were dating? Would that actually be so bad? Ming had already shown himself to be caring, worrying more about how Kit was feeling and handling the situation than himself. He had gone out of his way to try and fix things despite having a busy schedule. And to top all that off, Kit didn't know anyone at all who would do their best to win a competition just to be his friend; to win a competition for him.

All these things crashed around inside Kit's head, causing his blush to turn a deeper shade of pink. When he felt someone gently grab his wrist, he looked up to meet Ming's warm gaze. Ming still had a worried expression and his eyes were searching all over Kit's face.

He's worried about me. Even though I haven't been treating him nicely at all. Kit stared back.

"Just relax, P. It will all be handled soon." Ming gave a reassuring smile then let go of Kit to take one of the seats.

As soon as Ming let go of Kit's wrist and moved away from him, a strange feeling of separation flooded over Kit and his wrist felt cold where Ming's hand had just been. The tingling on his skin was calling Ming back to him and this made Kit feel even more embarrassed. Kit clutched his arm to himself, looked away, and took the other seat. Monty chose to stand facing the doorway so he could be prepared to bombard the person over the contest as soon as they walked in.

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