32. Starting New

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"Ai'Kit. Are you going to continue to ignore us or will you finish eating and actually speak to us?" Beam fussed from across the table.

Kit hurried up with his text message before slipping his phone back into his pocket and looking up at his friends.

"Let me guess, you and Ming finally made up." Phana said with a smirk on his face.

"Ohhh yea! You never filled us in on that! What happened?" Beam asked scooting closer to the table.

"Well...there isn't much to tell." Kit said. Now that 'Mission: Get Ming Back' was over, he was actually starting to feel shy about it all. 

"That's a lie. I've seen you speaking to the Fairies. The Fairies, Kit. Since when do you speak to them?" Beam asked loudly.

"Since they were the ones that entered our names in the competition in the first place." Kit said matter of factly. 

Both Beam and Phana had to shrug at that. That's definitely a good reason to start talking.

"But besides that, they helped me get Ming back and it worked."

"Details." Phana said simply. And Kit was about to respond when his phone started ringing. He rushed to answer it.

"Ming," He said in a tone that Phana and Beam were not familiar with.

Both Beam and Phana exchanged looks at how excited their friend had become to answer a call from his lover.

"Yea...I'm done eating so I can walk you...okay. See you soon." Kit hung up the phone and stared at it a while. He didn't realize he had been smiling at the screen until he looked up to see both his friends staring at him with their mouths hanging open. Kit's smile dropped off his face.

"...what?" He asked tentatively. There was a beat of silence until Beam broke into a grin.

"Ai'Pha! Kitty is in loooovveee!" He boomed.

Kit threw his hand over Beam's mouth. "Would you keep it down? You don't have to announce it to the entire cafeteria." He said in an annoyed voice. But it was hard to actually be upset because he was too excited to be seeing Ming in a matter of seconds. And with the way Beam's eyes were sparkling with childlike excitement behind Kit's hand, it was hard to be annoyed at him for too long too.

"Kitty and Mi-inngg sitting in a tree..." Phana sang in a low voice.

"K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" Beam chimed in, his voice muffled from Kit's hand still over his mouth.

"Oii, the both of you are such children." Kit said, snatching his hand away from Beam's face.

"Well it looks like we're gonna have to discuss it later because your husband has already arrived." Phana motioned with his head towards the canteen entrance.

Kit turned to see that Ming had just walked in and was looking as handsome as ever. Kit didn't know if it was because they were on good terms again or if Ming really did just look amazing today. He wore earbuds in his ear so Kit could only assume that he was listening to music. He stood tall and confident like always, with one hand on his bookbag strap and the other in his pocket. His uniform seemed to be especially crisp and clean today. His hair was neat and his signature pomp was exceptionally pompy.

Pompy?? Kit thought to himself. His heart sped up as he stood to his feet and grabbed his bag. He needed to just get out of here before he started making up other words. He went to reach for his plate when Phana's voice stopped him.

"Leave it. Don't keep him waiting."

Kit turned to look at him and was about to thank him when Phana spoke again.

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