17. Ming To The Rescue

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As soon as class ended, Kit was one of the first students out the door. He had to hurry and catch Ming before his next class. Kit had messaged Ming that morning and told him they needed to talk. It was a busy day for Ming so he only had a fifteen minute break before he had three back to back afternoon classes.

"I'll see you guys later!" Kit called over his shoulder to Phana and Beam. They already knew where he was headed.

Kit ignored all the stares he received on his way to the engineering building. He didn't know if he was being stared at because he was rushing like a wild man or because of this fake couple situation he had gotten himself into. Either way, now wasn't the time to stress over it. He needed to catch Ming.

When Kit approached the engineering building, he spotted Ming standing in the shade under the walkway talking to a girl and a guy. Kit finally stopped running and began to walk over slowly, feeling weird for interrupting. Since his back was to him, Ming did not see Kit approach but the girl who was standing in front of him, shifted her eyes when she saw movement and squealed quietly when she saw Kit.

"Oh, Ming," She brought her hands up to cover her mouth excitedly. "It's your boyfriend."

The guy next to her nudged her roughly to tell her to shut up as Ming turned around to see who she was talking about. His face lit up when he saw Kit standing there.

"P'Kit! You're actually a little early." Ming said cheerfully. Kit continued walking until he was right next to Ming but he said nothing.

"Uh...we'll talk to you about the project later then, Ai'Ming." The boy said when he saw the expression on Kit's face.

"Okay. Just start a group message on Line and we can chat about our ideas together. We still have a lot of time before we even need to get started." Ming said to him. The boy nodded, said goodbye and walked off, leaving the girl standing there. She looked back and forth between Ming and Kit, grinning excitedly.

"Wooooow," She cooed. "Ai'Ming...P'Kit."

Kit stared back at the girl uneasily. This is exactly what he was worried about; reactions like this.

At that moment, the boy who had just left came back over and snatched the girl by the arm. "Ploy, let's go!" He whispered harshly.

She stumbled after him, still glancing back over her shoulder to get a look. "But it's really them. The Campus Moon Couple in person!"

Ming laughed to himself at the same time that Kit rolled his eyes. When they were out of sight, Ming turned to Kit and smiled again.

"What's up, P'Kit? What did you want to talk to me about?"

Kit threw his hand out in the direction of the girl who had just left. "That! That doesn't bother you??"

"It's just a misunderstanding, P. I think it's actually quite funny." Ming shifted his bag higher onto his shoulder.

"Funny? I bet you won't think this is funny. We've been entered into a competition for Favorite University Couple." Kit stepped closer and lowered his voice, looking around to see if anyone was listening. "This is not just a misunderstanding. People think we are REAL."

Kit was completely taken aback when Ming started to laugh. He looked at him incredulously and took a step back.

"Hueeyy. Why are you laughing?"

"Your face, P. You really are upset about this."

"Of course I am!" When Ming continued to laugh, it finally hit Kit. "You already knew about this, didn't you?"

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