14. The Plan

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"Sawatdii khrap. My name is Wayo Panitchayasawad from the faculty of science." Wayo's voice rang out through Phana's laptop speakers for what felt like the millionth time. Phana had been watching the video of Yo all evening and Kit wondered just how many more times he was going to watch it. All he knew was that hearing Yo's introduction over and over again was growing tiresome.

"Ai'Pha, how many times are you going to watch that video?" Kit asked him absentmindedly. Actually doing work for a change, he was sitting in a corner of Phana's room reviewing his notes for class.

"I know. They should be counting views instead of likes. With all your views, he would already win the competition." Beam chimed in. He was sitting at Phana's desk and was going over his notes too.

"You have to admit, Ai'Beam. He was pretty cute during the filming." Kit said.

"Hey!" Phana paused the video and threw Kit a death glare. Kit raised his hands in surrender.

"I was just saying. I wasn't thinking anything." He said in a hurry.

Phana turned back to his computer and pushed the play button again. Kit and Beam exchanged glances. Leave it to Phana to become possessive over someone he did not even have. Just like always, Phana and Yo were going through a slight rough patch. Their relationship had been one of visible hate yet secret love for years. Unfortunately for them, this was still continuing even in university. So much so that Pha had made a bet with Wayo about the pageant.

Not being able to admit his true feelings, Phana resorted to bullying Wayo and Wayo rightfully hated him. During a recent argument with each other, they had made a bet that if Wayo wins the pageant and becomes the Moon of the university, Phana would leave him alone for good. But if Wayo lost, he would have to be Pha's personal servant for a whole week. Kit could have just slapped Phana for his stupidity.

"I promise to do my best as the moon of your university. Please take care of me." The Wayo on camera finished. Phana finally set his computer to the side and stood up.

"Finally done drooling over your honey?" Beam asked. Phana ruffled his hair and Beam cried out in annoyance.

"I think he might win the competition." Phana said as he made his way over to his mini fridge and grabbed a bottle of water.

Beam turned to look at Kit and Kit looked back at him as he sat up in his seat.

"You mean...you actually want him to win?" Kit asked.

"What about the bet?" Beam asked in confusion.

"What about it?" Phana asked, focusing on his water bottle (there was nothing to focus on. He just wanted to try and distract himself).

"If you lose this bet, Ai'Pha, you can't talk to him again. Those were your words, not his." Kit said.

"It might make him happy if I don't talk to him again..." Phana's voice drifted off sadly.

"Uh-uh! We did not come this far for you to give up!" Beam stood to his feet.

"What's going on, Ai'Pha? You were doing a good job...sort of." Kit said, trying to cheer him up. Phana did try to be nice to Yo occasionally. But the truth was, he just wasn't very good at it. They had been mean to each other for too long so being nice came off really awkward.

"He's going to start receiving so much attention now that he is a Moon. He is already all over that Cute Boy fan page." Phana sulked.

"But you were on that fan page too, remember? Who ever runs that page just likes anyone who's tall or good looking. Sometimes both. You just so happen to be both. N'Yo just so happens to be good looking." Kit offered. He was kind of surprised that Phana was sulking about this. It was only yesterday that Kit found out the fan page even existed.

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