3. P'Kitty

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"Oi! I'm so tired I feel like I can sleep for 5 years." A guy named Win complained next to Ming. Win lived a few doors down from Ming and was also in the school of engineering.

"My body is so sore from all those squats too." Ming chimed in.

"What are they trying to do? Prepare us for the military?" Win tutted in frustration as they continued to walk towards the canteen. "And we had to run laps yet again today! I'm so over these hazing activities. I have a mind to quit."

Ming snapped his head toward his new friend. "You can't quit!" He landed a heavy hand on Win's shoulder.

"Of course I can." He said, removing Ming's hand from his shoulder. "It's not my fault that you're trying to stick with this until the end."

"You would leave me alone? What kind of friend are you?" Ming walked faster to move past him. He wasn't really mad. He just wanted Win to think he was.

Win jogged to keep up with him then stopped him. "You won't even be alone. You have Panit."

Ming turned to keep walking without saying anything.

"Come onnnn. Ming. Ming?" He jogged again to catch up. "You can't be mad. I'm just not cut out for this. Look at me!" He held his arms out and gave a spin then slapped his chubby belly. "I like pizza and beer and junk food too much for this."

Ming started to laugh, failing at pretending to be mad. Win was the same height and skin shade as Ming but he was chubby with most of his weight sitting in his belly. He had chunky cheeks and when he smiled, his eyes completely disappeared into little upside down crescent moons.

"Well you still have to be there, you know why?" Ming didn't even give him a chance to answer. "Because all engineering students need to be accounted for at the hazing activities. If you don't show up, the rest of us get punished. And if the rest of us get punished, I will see to it that everyone knows that you were the reason why. Is that what you want?" Ming stepped really close to Win's face and raised his eyebrows knowingly. He could see that Win was weighing his options. After a few moments of silence, Win burst out in frustration.

"Oiiiii! Who knew such a handsome face could be so evil!" Win whined. Ming smiled fully now and they both walked into the canteen for a late breakfast.

"What are you thinking about eating?" Win asked as he rubbed his stomach. "I'll go get it for us."

"Anything you get, I'll eat. Just don't make mine spicy, please." Ming reached into his pocket and handed Win some bills to pay for his food.

"Cool. I'll be back."

Ming went to search for a table. He was able to find one half empty and was about to make his way to those seats when he saw a familiar face a few tables away. Ming stood on his toes to get a better look around the crowd of people, but what he saw was correct. It was P'Kit sitting at a table alone.

Ming began to smile and make his way over to him. Kit had his bag next to him and some papers slightly scattered in front of him. He looked like he was about to get started with some schoolwork. Upon reaching his table, Ming slid into the seat next to him, startling him.

"Sawatdee khrap, P!" Ming said excitedly.

Kit jumped so hard, he knocked a few of the papers off the table.

"Wha-who...?" He scowled when he saw who it was. "What are you doing here?"

Ming reached down to grab the papers that fell to the floor and set them back in front of Kit.

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