23. One Kiss For Love

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Throughout the entirety of the cooking class, Kit couldn't focus. The food had actually turned out to be really delicious but he couldn't stop thinking about Ming and how he was doing back at the hotel. Was he resting? Did he have a headache? Was his bruise getting worse? What if he needed help? Absolutely no one was there if he needed assistance with anything because everyone was at the cooking class. So, fun or not, Kit just wanted to hurry and leave so he could get back to the hotel to check on Ming.

The camera man even made a point not to take too many pictures of Kit during the class so it wouldn't be obvious in the photos that Kit had attended alone. As they were packing up to leave, Kit asked the cooking instructor if he could pack up his mango and sticky rice to take with him. She seemed to know why he wanted to take it with him and immediately grabbed him a container. He was going to give it to Ming just in case he hadn't eaten anything while they were gone.

When they finally arrived back at the hotel, Kit hurried straight to their lavish room. Everything was silent when he entered.

"Ming?" Kit called out as he took off his shoes. When he got no response, he set the container of desert down on the kitchen counter and walked into the bedroom. The heavy curtains were pulled closed causing the room to be extremely dim. Ming was tucked comfortably under the covers, sleeping peacefully.

Kit stopped in the doorway and stared at him for a moment before walking over toward the bed. He sat on the edge beside Ming, careful not to rouse him, and gently put the back of his hand to his forehead. His temperature was normal although his bruise did get a little worse over the couple hours they were apart. It was a blend of deep purple and fuchsia and seeing it made that same streak of guilt course through him again.

Before Kit could pull his hand away, Ming rolled over on his side and began to feel around on the bed in his sleep. When he couldn't grab whatever it was he was looking for, his eyes fluttered open in a daze.

"Ming," Kit called softly. Ming rolled over and looked at him.


"Were you looking for your phone? Or, are you thirsty? I can get you something."

Ming shook his head. "Thank you, P. I'm not thirsty."

Ming was too embarrassed to admit that he had actually been feeling around on the bed for Kit. In his dream, he had been sleeping next to his senior. The dream had felt so real that he subconsciously started feeling around for him in his sleep.

"I brought you some desert back from the cooking class...you know, if you want to eat something."

Ming stared at Kit and didn't respond. He wanted to go back to sleep but he also wanted to return to his dream with Kit sleeping right next to him. Would Kit get upset if he suggested that?

"Did you eat while we were gone?"

Ming shook his head. "I wasn't hungry."

Kit balked. "That means you haven't eaten since breakfast!" He couldn't help but raise his voice. It was going on 3pm which meant Ming hadn't eaten in almost 6 hours. As active as he was on the regular, Kit knew that Ming's metabolism would not allow him to go without food for much longer. Immediately, Kit jumped to his feet and hurried into the kitchen.

"It's okay, P!" Ming croaked out. He was still coming out of his sleep state and his voice wasn't ready for speaking loudly. Kit returned with the container of Mango and sticky rice and a class of water.

"I said I wasn't...is that mango and sticky rice?" Ming cut his own self off and Kit began to smirk at Ming's change in tone about the food.

"It is. Now scoot over." Kit ordered.

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