22. One Punch For Love

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Kit awoke to a beautiful stream of sunlight warming his face. For a moment, he forgot where he was and sat up in confusion. But one look around the elaborate room and seeing Ming's bag in the corner let him know that he was not dreaming, he actually was in a luxury hotel suite with a guy that not-so-secretly made him blush.

Speaking of Ming, how did he sleep last night?

Kit tossed the covers off of him and padded to the door, opening it quietly. Ming was on the couch with his leg hanging over the side and one of his arms up above his head, sleeping peacefully. Kit leaned on the doorframe and smiled slightly as he watched him. Ming looked like a different person when he slept. Still handsome, but also a bit sweet. His features relaxed and spread out more and it actually made him look a little younger.  

The night before, when Ming had insisted on sleeping on the couch and giving Kit the bed, Kit had worried that Ming would be uncomfortable. He stayed up for hours debating with himself about whether or not he should go out and give Ming another pillow and blanket. But by the time he worked up enough courage to do it, Ming was already snoring. From the looks of it this morning, Ming looked like he had slept perfectly fine. 

Kit walked over to him, knelt down and gently roused him. "Ming..." He called him.

Ming shifted a little and turned his head but didn't wake up.

"Hey, Ming...it's time to wake up." Kit placed his hand on his chest and shook him again.

Ming gave a groggy moan as he reached up to grab Kit's hand to stop him from shaking him and his eyelids fluttered open. He looked confused at first then began to smile when he realized who was leaning over him.

Kit couldn't stop the flurry of excited butterflies that attacked his stomach upon seeing Ming's sleepy smile this early in the morning. He stared back at Ming as Ming still held onto his hand.

"P'Kit," Ming said to him in a slightly disoriented voice. It was almost as if he had forgotten where he was too and couldn't believe that Kit was in front of him.

Feeling embarrassed, Kit slid his hand out from under Ming's, allowing him to sit up to rub his eyes.

"It's time to wake up and head downstairs for breakfast." Kit said, taking a seat next to him on the couch. He hesitated before asking the next question. "...did you sleep okay?"

Ming yawned and stretched before answering. "I slept like a baby." He smiled.

Kit wanted to believe him but a part of him thought Ming might just be saying it so Kit wouldn't feel bad for taking the bed. But it didn't matter. Kit felt guilty anyway for sleeping in the huge bed while Ming slept on the couch.

"Do you want to shower first?" Kit offered. "Maybe a shower will help wake you up faster."

"Mmm." Ming nodded. He was trying to remember what was planned for them later in the day but he was still too sleepy to remember. He yawned again before suddenly laying his head on Kit's shoulder, completely startling him.

"Huey! What are you doing?"

"I'm still sleepy, Piiiiii." Ming whined. "Let's go back to sleep."

Kit tried to push Ming off of him but this only made Ming grab onto to his arm and hold tight.

"Don't be ridiculous, we have to get ready. Breakfast is over at 10 and it's already 9." Kit said while trying to shake Ming off.

"Pleeaasseee," Ming whined some more.

"No. Now, come on and get up."

Kit gave a final shake of his arm and Ming let go. But then he fell over dramatically onto Kit's lap and shut his eyes.

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