31. The Setup

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Monty and the Fairies burst into the Student Center as if they owned the place. A few people turned to look at them, startled by their presence. They immediately headed for the stairs that would lead them upstairs to the Student Affairs suite. Each Fairy walked with a purpose and it was as if they were on a runway with their own wind and own music. Each person they passed, turned to look at them.

When they made it to the stairs, Fatty's voice stopped them suddenly, and Monty could hear the nonexistent music skid to a halt as they stopped.

"Oi, can't we take the elevator?" She whined.

All the other Fairies turned to look at her. 

"Jeez, Fatty, the stairs are quicker. The student clubs office will be closing soon and we need to get to P'Lay before she leaves." Monty said in an annoyed voice.

"It won't be faster with me on the stairs. My name is Fatty for a reason." She set her hands on her hips and stared at her friends.

Monty sighed in exasperation. "Fine, fine." He pointed in the direction of the elevators. "To the elevators!"

All four of them turned on their heels and runway walked to the elevators. People stared again because they weren't sure why there was a sudden change in direction, but no one said anything.

Once they made it to the correct floor, they quit the runway walk and just made a beeline for the Student Affairs suite. Hurrying to the Student Clubs office, they made it in right as P'Lay was packing up her bag to leave from behind the front desk.

"Hi there, how can I help you?" There was another girl at the desk and Monty recognized her as the same girl that helped him last time when he came with Ming and Panit. She must have been the front desk receptionist. P'Lay looked up when she heard the girl speak.

"Sawatdee ka." Monty waiied politely. Fatty and the twins waiied behind him in unison. "We actually came to speak to P'Lay." He pointed.

The girl turned around to look at Lay as Lay stepped forward. "Hello gentlemen," She smiled.

Fatty suddenly cleared her throat loudly and started coughing, patting her chest dramatically as she did. P'Lay caught the hint.

"And ladies." Her smile turned sheepish. But Fatty accepted the correction and smiled in return. "What can I do for you?"

"We were wondering if you would help us out with a little something."

"I'm sorry, I wish I could. I was just packing up to leave. Is there any way it can wait until tomorrow?"

"Well, it is a bit urgent." Monty leaned forward and lowered his voice. "I'm trying to do something romantic and special for my dear friends Ming and P'Kit."

P'Lay's ears perked up at their names and she leaned forward too. "Our very own Campus Moon Couple??" She said excitedly.

Monty nodded, knowing he had her attention now. No one could refuse the Campus Moon Couple.

"By all means, let's chat." She grinned. "How about we talk in the lobby so we can all have space to sit, hmm?" She said as she grabbed her bag and came from behind the desk.

"Of course." Monty linked his arm through hers, smiling, and led the way out of the office. 


*The next day*

Ming was losing track of the days. He was also losing his concentration and his normally friendly persona had completely disappeared. Even the sweet and quiet Panit was starting to lose his patience with Ming's negative attitude.

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