28. Drinks For One (part 2)

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It had been three days since Ming last spoke to Kit and each day had been one big blur. It was Friday now and many students were talking about going out. Even Panit had surprised him and said he would go out tonight but Ming wasn't in the mood. He tried to tell himself over and over that he was fine and that what happened between him and Kit didn't matter. But he wasn't fine. And what happened between him and Kit did matter. It mattered far more than he was letting on and it was getting to be too much to keep inside.

He still hadn't told Yo about what was going on between him and Kit because Yo had his own love life problems at the moment. Neither of them were doing too well in the romance department. Maybe they both should just stay single forever and become male nuns. Were male nuns a thing?

Ming shook his head, trying to clear it. But no matter how hard he tried, his brain stayed cluttered, he couldn't shake his feelings of missing Kit, and he definitely couldn't concentrate on his portion of the group project sitting in front of him. Instead of forcing himself to study, he quickly showered and decided to just lay in bed.

As soon as he got comfortable enough to feel like he could actually relax, his phone buzzed and lit up with a message. His heart fluttered, and before he could stop himself from wishing it, he was already hoping that it was P'Kit messaging him. But his hopes deflated when he saw Panit's name flashing across his screen.

Panit: Hey Ming, are you sure you don't want to come out tonight? It might take your mind off your troubles if you have some fun.

Ming stared at the message. He didn't want to go out but he didn't want to stay in his room staring at the ceiling either.

Ming: I'll come. What time?

Panit responded almost immediately.

Panit: Meet me and Win downstairs by the doors at 9:30

Ming didn't bother responding to that. He simply tossed his phone to the side and rolled back over on his back. He still had 45 minutes until he had to meet them and he had already showered for the night. No longer trying to fight his gloomy attitude, he silently decided to succumb to his feelings and just stare at the ceiling again, thinking about Kit until it was time to go.



There was a loud banging at the door and Ming jumped up from his sleeping position immediately.

"Ai'Ming! I know you better not be sleeping in there!" It was Win's voice.

"Ming?" Panit's tiny voice came just before the banging started again.


"Shia. Stop making so much noise!" Ming scolded as he slid off his bed and moved to let his friends inside.

As soon as he opened the door, Win pushed it all the way open causing Ming to jump back, out of the way so his toes didn't get crushed.

"So you were sleeping." Win folded his arms and leaned against the doorframe as he took in Ming's sleepy expression and the print from his blankets pressed into his face.

"Aren't you still coming, Ming?" Panit asked.

"Yea...yea. I just dozed off, I guess." Ming rubbed the sleep from his eyes.

"Dozed off?? You were sleeping like a rock. We both called you twice." Win said loudly.

"You did?" Ming walked back over to his bed and picked up his phone. When he saw the four missed calls he gave a sheepish look. "Sorry..."

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