24. Beat For Beat

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Ming and Kit slept in late the next morning and missed breakfast. Mostly because neither of them wanted to get out of bed. They slept in each other's arms all night, neither of them fully sleeping because neither of them wanted to miss a moment of feeling the other so near. But of course, neither of them would admit this. So they both lay quietly, each thinking the other was sleeping. When both of them had finally fallen asleep, it was well past 2 am. When they finally got up to start their day, it was practically noon.

Fortunately for them, the only thing that was actually scheduled for them for the day was dinner. It was their last night at the resort so this was supposed to be the final big event. Last night, P'Smile had let them know that an envelope would be delivered to their rooms letting them know what their instructions were for the night but they could do whatever they wanted during the day. 

Both Kit and Ming would be lying if they didn't admit that they were really enjoying this vacation. Even though it was a group vacation, they were able to get the perfect balance of free time and planned group activities.

Kit was in the shower and Ming was poking around in the kitchen for a snack when an envelope was slid under the front door. Ming set down his piece of fruit and walked over to get it, opening it immediately. His eyes widened in surprise and a smile spread across his face before he ran into the bedroom and knocked on the bathroom door. Since the bathroom was built with glass walls, all Kit had to do when he stepped out the shower was swipe his hand across the foggy glass so he could see out.

"What's the matter?" Kit asked, he squinted through the swiped fog and swiped again for a clearer view. Ming plastered the note up against the other side of the glass.

"We got our instructions for tonight! We're having a special dinner, just the two of us."

"Really? I thought we were all going as a group." Kit cocked his head to the side.

"So did I, but this letter says that it's just you and me and that we should dress nicely. Our car will be here to pick us up at 6:30pm." Ming removed the paper from the glass to see Kit's eyes. The glass was quickly fogging up again and Kit had to swipe his hand across one more time.

"Does it say where exactly we're going?"

Ming shook his head. "Nope. Just says to dress nicely and be ready by 6:30."

Kit nodded and shrugged. "Okay then, I guess. What do you want to do today until then?" Kit could still see the purplish mark on Ming's head through the foggy glass.

Ming looked off in thought for a moment until a sly smile took over his face. He turned back to Kit.

"I could join you..." He leaned in closer to the glass and peered in, making a point to stand on his toes to look down. "...in the shower."

Kit's eyes widened and his hands shot down to cover his privates. He had thought the foggy glass would be enough to cover his indecency but leave it to Ming to find a way to see him naked anyway.

"Ming!" Kit hollered out before running back into the shower and snatching the shower curtain closed.

Ming threw his head back and laughed at Kit's embarrassment, the image of Kit's bare backside as he ran away making him laugh even harder. Teasing him would absolutely never get old.


Kit and Ming sat in the taxi close together, staring out the window as a blur of people, cars, and motorbikes flew by. Ming fought the urge to put his arm around Kit. He noticed the taxi driver constantly eyeing them in the rear view mirror and he didn't want Kit to turn self-conscious again. But he was loving the fact that Kit was so close, leaning into him as Ming's other side rested on the door.

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