The Collab pt.2

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June 2017

It's been a month since they've been working on their new song. They spent many restless nights together, with Moon sneaking out of her apartment and label studio to write lyrics and melodies. Officially, however, they only met twice more to go over and finalize the song. Although it was one of the busiest months, it was also one of the best. Moon got to do what she really loves, which is composing and producing. Losing sleep and lying to management and her boyfriend was a small price to pay in comparison.

On many nights she snuck out the back exit of her apartment building to Jin's car, who helped her make an escape. They would keep each other awake all night at the dorm in order to focus on writing. They drank gallons of coffee, while Taehyung of course had his trusty coca cola. From time to time they took breaks to relax and have deep conversations.

"I've always wondered...", Jin contemplated, sprawled on one of the couches, "How did you end up as a solo artist?"

"That shit is not easy to do...", Jungkook whistled.

"Are you saying you tried?", Namjoon glared at the maknae, who shrugged provokingly.

"Yeah, I don't really know...", Moon tapped her chin as she lay on the floor, her head propped up by a pillow, "When I was a trainee no one really liked me. I mean I had no friends cause I couldn't get along with anyone..."

"You ended up solo, because no one wanted to be in a group with you?", Jin looked confused, but laughed his little windshield-wiper laugh.

"No...! You know it doesn't work like that", Moon sighed, "I guess they saw how I interacted and worked with the others and didn't like it. My personality, whatever that is, didn't fit in anywhere."

"You were too special to fit in!", Jimin teased her in a baby voice and grinned brightly, before she threw a pillow at him.

"Ugh, no. Honestly, it sucks to be a solo artist", Moon complained, taking a sip of her coffee to wipe away the exhaustion, "All the attention is just on you and everyone hates you."

"All my attention is on you and I'm far from hating you", Jimin flirted shamelessly.

She wanted to throw another pillow at him, but opted for an unamused stare instead.

"For someone who doesn't get along with other idols, you sure have done many collabs", Namjoon interjects, "And now you're here with us."

"Yeah... It's funny how things work out."

None of them wanted things to change from then on, but the deadline for their song had come and they finalized it. It did feel good to have finished a project they put so much heart into. After a few adjustments and final edits, the song was approved and works on the music video were soon underway.

The morning of the day of filming they're all put into costume, hair and makeup. The aesthetic being more dark than usual, more like Moon's music videos or BTS's old videos, they're wearing fabrics such as silk and leather. Something that's surprised all of them is that Moon changed her hair. She's always had the same long, wavy black hair and she really didn't change it much: A few light brown strands now accompany her usual raven locks. For her the change is a pretty big deal.

"Hello there...", Moon greets the boys as they walk onto set, "You know, I thought I took a long time getting ready."

"Blame Jimin", Jin tells her.

"No! No, today we're all late because of someone else and that is not me", Jimin states almost proudly.

"It was Kookie", Yoongi says blankly.

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