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~Trigger warning on this one~

January 2021

Walking through the Big Hit company building, Moonhae heads for one of their dance practice studios. There's some moves she wants to tweak for her world tour, that's been finally re-announced for this spring. Entering the studio however, she notices it's already occupied.

Just one figure in the center of the room, hunched over, leaning against their knee as they sit to catch their breath. Walking closer, she can tell it's Jimin by the reflection in the mirrors. His chest rises and falls, but his expression looks dazed and out of it. His long and baggy clothes seem to be swallowing him whole as he just sits there.

"Jimin?", she steps up next to him.

Finally noticing her presence, he whips his head up towards her, before standing quickly. He seems slightly unsteady on his feet though, swaying a little as he still catches his breath.

"You okay?", she asks, seeing him blink aggressively a few times.

"Yeah...", he croaks, seemingly trying to adjust his vision as he puts a hand to his forehead, "Just... Need some water I think..."

"Maybe you should take a break, Jimin", she suggests while grabbing a water bottle from the counter in the corner of the room and handing it to him.

After thankfully taking a sip, he speaks again, "I've got to work on the choreography though."

"It won't do much good, if you obviously aren't feeling well", she conveys worriedly.

Not listening to her, he sets the water down to try whatever move he was working on before. Doing a spin though, he slips out of balance. Although he catches himself, he hunches over his knees for a moment, clearly struggling.

"Fuck", he swears under his breath, "This stupid move."

Seeing him like this, a thought comes to Moonhae's mind that she doesn't even want to verbalize.

"Jimin...", she starts hesitantly, "Are you...?"

"Aya's going to visit soon", he says to ignore her, not looking too pleased, "She's coming to our performance."

"Oh, that's good", Moon replies, "Isn't it?"

He merely nods, staring down at his feet, an unreadable expression on his face.

"Jimin, but seriously", she tries to start again, "Are you-?"

This time he quickly cuts her off, "You're right, I should take a break. I'll see you later, okay?"

Just watching him leave with a pained expression, her chest tightens. She doesn't want it to be true. Maybe he's just going through a rough patch. But what other explanation is there for him being so pale and lifeless?

It hasn't been too long since concerts and shows are allowed to be held with fans again and this performance is one all the members are looking forward to. Most of them have invited their significant other's to attend.

Moonhae sits backstage on a couch with Taehyung before the show starts. While the others get ready, they snuggle up to one another, watching everyone else in the dressing room doing their thing.

"So annoying", Moonhae groans into Taehyung's ear for the hundredth time. She's been watching Hoseok on the other side of the room, who's canoodling with Youna.

While Youna is her usual stand-offish self, Hoseok showers her with hugs and kisses nonetheless. He talks nonstop, getting her to let out the occasional giggle or smile. They're quite cute, but Moon is having none of it.

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