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October 2018

Nearing the end of October, the European leg of the Love Yourself Tour comes to a close. The boys are returning to Seoul for a short break before kicking off the fourth leg in mid November. Moonhae, who isn't due for filming in Japan until the beginning of next month, excitedly prepares herself to welcome her boyfriend back home.

Wearing nothing but a black trench coat and heels, just how Taehyung likes it, she makes her way towards his room. As she rides the elevator up to their floor, she thinks of the best way to properly surprise him. However, when she skips along the seating area in the hallway, she notices a beautiful looking girl sitting on one of the couches, her head turned towards the window, admiring the view outside.

"Uh, can I help you?", Moonhae stops in her tracks and questions the stranger. You never know when a sasaeng might show up at the dorms.

The girl whips her head in Moon's direction, her soft brunette hair swaying slightly. Her plush pink lips part in surprise before she can answer.

"Oh... Are you Moon?", her almond eyes are doe-like in innocence.

"Yes", her own eyes narrow themselves, still suspicious, "And you are?"

"How rude of me", she blushes a little and gets up from her seat, bowing her head, "I'm Hyunae. It's nice to meet you."

"Hyunae?", her jaw drops, "As in Kim Seokjin's girlfriend Hyunae?!"

"I guess that's me", she giggles, playing with a strand of her perfect hair.

"No way..."

She takes the girl in again. There's no doubt she's drop dead gorgeous with her slender frame and long legs paired with soft fair skin and silky brunette hair. And she's extremely polite as well. Something Moonhae wishes she was. Especially knowing Jin will kill her when he finds out how rude she was to his precious girlfriend.

"I am so sorry. I didn't know it was you", she apologizes awkwardly.

"That's totally fine!", she keeps smiling with those perfect teeth of her's, "I did just sort of intrude here. I was waiting for Seokjin to come back. We haven't seen each other since he left for tour."

"You unironically call him Seokjin?", she has to suppress a smirk.

"Well, I call him other things, too...", for a moment the girl doesn't seem as innocent anymore, before her cute smile sets back in, "But I just miss him so much! It must be hard for you, too, with Taehyung."

"Y-yeah, I guess", she's surprised the girl knows about her and Taehyung.

In that moment, one of the staff members passes through the hallway towards the elevator, a gust of wind blowing out of the room they just came from. Unluckily, the draft happens to lift up Moonhae's trench coat, exposing her nakedness underneath. She instantly slams her hands down over the fabric so it won't blow up, but she's already revealed herself to a girl she's just met.

"It's not what it looks like", she stammers as soon as the draft passes.

"You don't-"

"I was just about to get dressed", she smiles nervously.

"Moonhae, you don't have to explain yourself", she says sweetly, "I understand."

"Ok... I should go now though. It was nice meeting you", she moves towards Taehyung's room, still clasping down her coat and her expression darkened.

"Nice meeting you, too!", Hyunae calls after her.

She can't believe she exposed herself to a girl she's just met. Not just any girl. Jin's girlfriend. Someone she will most likely have to interact with again. And her first impression of Moon will forever be that she's a slut.

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