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February 2019

"You alright?", he asks her for the tenth time, standing in the doorway.

"Yes, now please just go", she croaks with a smile.

About seven days after waking up from her coma, Moonhae started regaining some feeling in her arms and legs. Although still being slightly numb and the feelings coming and going, the doctor credited the swelling around her neck fracture to be a huge savior for her. It was the only thing that kept her spinal cord intact through the trauma and now with it going down again, she'll be regaining her senses throughout most of her body.

Taehyung hasn't left her side for the most of her recovery, sleeping over in her hospital room and limiting the time he works to a minimum. Normally, she would complain and tell him to focus on his career, but she's ever so grateful to have him here. Most of the time she just wants to give up and go back to sleep once and for all, because every moment she's awake it feels like she's dying, but when he's smiling down at her she forgets about all of that. She never wants to worry him though, for he already seems so worried about the smallest things, so she keeps most of her physical stress to herself. Yet she's thankful to be on a lot of medication, some helping with the anxiety of having a large neck brace around her neck.

Now that she's on the early road to recovery, Bang PD requested she make a short video message for her fans. The announcements Big Hit had been previously making only made the industry fall into even more despair, no one knowing exactly what her condition was. So prepping her up for a personal statement is the best move they can make at this point.

Sending Taehyung off to take care of a phone call, Jiyoo finally enters the room to take care of her hair and makeup. Moonhae hasn't seen the stylist in a while and is surprised to find her usual bubbly self to have quieted down quite a bit. The short brunette stands in front of her seated self, beginning to fix her hair up with a dull expression. When she gets to doing her makeup, minding Moonhae's neck brace, she decides to speak up.

"Are you alright, Jiyoo?", Moonhae wills her voice to lose the raspiness that holds her back.

"Uh-huh", she nods curtly, focusing on her task at hand. Something she usually never does.

Moonhae actually wouldn't mind this version of Jiyoo, in fact she would welcome it, but it seems so off that it bothers her.

"So...", she tries to think of a conversation to start, "How are things at Big Hit?"

"Great", she merely answers.

"What about...", she contemplates what else they have in common, "How's Jungkook?"

Jiyoo's hand slips on the makeup brush and she swears at the eyeshadow streak she's accidentally created before harshly cleaning it up. Her eyes seem a little teary when she finally answers her question.

"I wouldn't know."

"He's really busy?", Moonhae eyes her curiously.

"No...", her jaw clenches as she attempts to blink the tears away, "We broke up."

"Like... For real?", she feels stupid for double-checking, but also knows the two have a history of breaking up and getting back together again.

"Yes", Jiyoo rolls her eyes, "For good."

Moonhae can't help but feel a certain sense of relief. Although all of this petty drama shouldn't matter to her anymore, she knows Jungkook never loved her and that their relationship was a ticking time bomb. There's no energy in her body though to comfort this girl in the slightest.

"You know...", Jiyoo suddenly starts laughing in an irritated way and that's when Moonhae knows she's set something off, "It's funny, because it was always him that initiated things. Like he flirted with me. He asked me out. He wanted to sleep with me. But then it was also always him that wanted to break up and get back together again. And then he blew up at me for no reason a couple weeks ago and later told me he didn't love me. Like are you kidding? After everything? You can't tell me that whole time he wanted me and never loved me."

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