
862 51 4

March 2019

A light knock at the door makes Moonhae stir sleepily. The early morning sunlight shines through the window and onto her face, making it difficult to open her eyes. When there's another knock at the door, her senses are awakened a little more. She then notices the soft arm wrapped around her waist. Glancing over to her left, she finds Jimin fast asleep, his face and body close to her's as he must have cuddled up to her at some point during the night.

"Jimin?", a hoarse voice sounds out when the unlocked door is opened and a solemn figure steps in, "Jimin, I think Moonhae left. I don't know where she went and I'm scared. All her stuff is gone..."

Still being in a fairly sleepy state with her eyes barely open, she slowly turns her head in the direction of the door. It's none other than Taehyung standing there, frozen in his tracks and his eyes wide as he gazes down at the two figures in bed.

"Tae...?", she squints at him.

Jimin starts stirring next to her at the sound of voices, poking his head up drowsily to see what's going on.

"What are you...?", Taehyung whispers with a horrified expression, looking down at Jimin's arm that's still wrapped around her.

"Oh shit", Jimin finally notices his position and backs away from her immediately.

"What were you two-?", he starts with a huff.

"Nothing! Nothing!", Jimin says quickly, now backed up to the very edge of the bed.

"I was going to go to my apartment last night, but it was too late and too far so I stayed here", Moonhae begins to explain as she straightens herself up.

"W-with him?", he stutters.

"I know what it looks like, but you know I'd never do that to you", she assures him, getting up from the bed.

"I don't even know what you're capable of anymore", he speaks lowly and takes a step back.

"Are you serious?", she crosses her arms. Her heart stings from his words, but she goes into defense mode.

"Moonhae, I literally found you in bed with him! What am I supposed to think?!", he suddenly yells.

"I was fucking upset yesterday, so I turned to a friend for comfort! I guess somehow we ended up cuddling, but there was absolutely nothing romantic going on! What don't you understand?", she spews back.

"You mean how we cuddled when you still had a boyfriend? That was also to comfort you and look how that turned out", his jaw sets firmly.

The words are knocked out of her for a moment. What he's saying to her sounds all too familiar.

"So that's how you still see me, huh?", her voice turns raspy with hurt, "As a little slut that'll just sleep her way around the Bangtan boys."

"I don't know, Moonhae, I don't know!!", he doesn't even try to deny it and shakes his head furiously at her.

"You know what? Fine. Don't believe me. But at least trust your hyung that you've known for over seven years now", she gestures angrily at Jimin, who's sitting with his head lowered by the edge of the bed. He looks up with a saddened expression, his eyes trembling as he stares at the aggravated boy.

Taehyung pauses, his face crinkling up in pain as his eyes grow teary when meeting his gaze. Of course he doesn't want to believe that his best friend would be capable of doing such a thing. He knows Jimin, better than anyone. At the same time, the whole situation is blindsiding him. How can he not be upset about all of this? How can he not question the people he loves most?

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