Enamored (m)

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April 2018

It's almost 10 pm that night when the knock on Taehyung's door finally sounds out. He swings it open to find an exhausted Moonhae on the other side. Exhausted, but still as mesmerizing as ever. Her outfit isn't one to disappoint: A silky black dress that reaches just long enough to cover her ass, paired with simple heels. Of course her signature red lipstick is back, painting her plush lips.

"Hey, sorry I'm late", she apologizes, stepping into the room after him, "I just came from wardrobe, they made me try some stuff on, so... That's why I'm dressed up."

"Well, you look beautiful", he says smoothly with a grin.

"Thank you", her hand brushes up against his arm and it's only now that she notices the dining table in the corner of the room.

It's big enough for two, set up with pasta dishes and fancy cutlery, as if it were straight out of an Italian gourmet magazine. A small candlestick stands in the middle, illuminating the room in a soft glow and a classy wine bottle and glasses are placed next to their food. Soft music plays in the background, setting the mood.

"Wow", she whispers in amazement, walking towards the table, "Did you do this?"

"Yeah...", his cheeks redden, "But the food is just takeout. I remember you said you wanted to get something from La Rosa, that Italian restaurant, sometime, so..."

"This is so amazing, Taehyung", she's overcome with emotion. She can't remember the last time anyone's done something so romantic for her. Let alone that he remembers her wanting to eat at La Rosa. She must've said that months ago.

"I hope it's not too much", he says, pulling one of the chairs back for her.

"It's perfect", she gently takes her seat.

Carefully, he pours some red wine into each of their glasses, making an effort not to spill. He wants this date to be perfect, like the ones they watch in their favorite romance films. He doesn't want his immature self to shine through, he wants to impress Moon, who always seems to be mature beyond her years.

"Oh, how proper", she giggles as he hands her the glass.

"I was trying to be sophisticated", he breaks his serious visage with a boxy smile and can't help but laugh, slightly embarrassed about how hard he's trying.

"Just because we're on a date now doesn't mean we have to stop acting like the usual idiots we are", she grins, clinking her glass against his, both taking a sip.

"Ok, good, cause I wanna show you this really cute thing Yeontan did", he pulls out his phone and shows her a video, making her giggle again.

As they start dining, enjoying the creamy richness of Italian cuisine, their conversations seem no different to what they usually talk about. They're still good friends, just with the little added bonus of romance and sexual tension.

"What?", Moonhae smiles, taking another sip of wine. They just finished their food and now Taehyung is leaning back in his chair, gazing at her with a dreamy look.

"Nothing", he grins, "It's just... I can't believe I'm finally on a date with you."

Her smile widens and Taehyung can feel one of her delicate feet running up his leg under the table.

"Tell me", she lightly leans forward, "When did you start liking me?"

"Well, I liked you as soon as I met you, but I really knew I was in trouble when we spent those long nights working together on the collab", he recalls.

"Really?", she seems surprised.

"Yeah, I guess that was when you really warmed up to us. Before that you were pretty much a closed book", he explains, "I was infatuated with you before that, but I really caught feelings then..."

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