Birth Day

769 34 0

March 2023


A voice somewhere in the distance calls for him, but it's too much effort to wake up at that moment.


The voice is back, but this time there's an arm rattling him a little as well. It's annoying and bothering his sleep, so he tries to swat it away.


That small yell makes his eyes blink open at least. But all he sees is darkness.

"What time is it?", he groans in his deep, sleepy voice.

"3am", Moonhae simply responds, "Get up."

"Why?", his eyes start closing again.

"It's coming", she huffs, "The baby's coming."

"WHAT?!", he shoots up immediately, so fast he gets light-headed.

Moonhae's already sitting on the edge of the bed, struggling to get her socks on as her breathing gets heavy.

"The baby's coming? Are you sure?", he looks frightened as he moves to help her with her socks and other clothes.

"Of course I'm sure, you idiot, I can feel it ripping through my abdomen", she snaps at him.

"It's ripping through your abdomen?!", his eyes widen in alarm.

"God! No, Taehyung!", she rolls her eyes in annoyance, "That's what it feels like, so hurry the fuck up!"

He does not need to be told twice by a lady in labor, so he ups his game. Once he's helped her get cleaned from her water breaking and all dressed, he slips into some clothes himself. Then on the way out the door, he grabs the bag they prepared for the hospital with all the most important things.

The car's already waiting out front as they hooked one of their drivers up with a beeper close to her due date. Taehyung had planned everything out to a tee, not wanting anything to go wrong.

"You okay?", he asks her in the car ride.

"Fine", she grumbles back, obviously moody, tired and in pain, so he doesn't push any further.

Once they get to the hospital, Taehyung jumps out of the car to help Moonhae to the entrance. She's had some trouble walking the past month with the size of her belly and every step has turned into more of a waddle. Whatever this baby is, boy or girl, it sure is big.

The nurses take over as soon as they're inside, helping her get settled in one of the birthing suites. Before the doctor comes in, Taehyung makes sure she has everything she needs from her special pillow from home to the blanket she loves, because it smells like him.

"Good morning", the doctor seems chipper despite the time of morning it is, "Ms. Choe, I heard you're ready to have a baby?"

"If you mean do I want this thing out of me already?, then yes", she scowls.

"Alright, I can understand", he chuckles, moving to sit on a swivel chair next to her hospital bed.

"Can you? Can you really?", she narrows her eyes at the male doctor.

"Well, Ms.Choe, why don't you tell me how often your contractions are coming?", he keeps his friendly demeanor, being used to dealing with women in labor.

"Every ten minutes", she informs him.

"The last interval was 9.8 minutes long", Taehyung adds, as he had been tasked with timing her contractions.

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