
791 40 16

October 2019

"Kitchen Secrets has truly blessed us ARMYs once again! Major, major things have happened on the episode that aired last week and I cannot get over it.

For one, we found out that Moon and our beloved Tae Tae have been dating since last April and not December as we thought. That means they've dated a whole ass one and a half years everyone! Let that sink in.

Then the interviewer oh so kindly popped the marriage question, which please take a moment to enjoy their reactions to it. You can literally see Taehyung's face light up like the fucking sun, he's more excited about this than being chosen to be in Cypher pt.5. Which Yoongi would never let happen. RIP to Tae's rap career.

ANYWAY, he obviously wants to marry her, but then Moon pulls a Taehyung on Ellen DeGeneres, being all like 'No! Not!' with her hand out and the whole marriage charade blows up. Our little Tae Tae looks really sad about it UNTIL Moon whispers something in his ear. What you may ask? We have no fucking clue. But it better have been something like 'Bitch, of course I'll marry you, just not on this raunchy ass TV show'. That's all we're hoping for really as Vmoon shippers.

Now to the biggest cup of tea in the episode. Are y'all ready? I don't think so. Let's start off easy: Don't you agree how suspicious it was when Jin deflected that love life question like there was no tomorrow? I mean he's been pretty open about not having a girlfriend in the past, but now? All I'm saying is suspicious y'all...

But hallelujah Jin then blessed us with the hugest tea spill of the century: JIMIN FUCKING PARK HAS A BIG ASS CRUSH ON SOMEONE! Ok, let's all calm down... But look how he almost stabbed himself with that fork when Jin mentioned it! And how his face turns into a burning hot tomato when he admits to it! Y'all this ain't nothing, I'm telling you. No matter how much he downplayed it, our little mochi has definitely fallen for someone.

Now the question is... WHO??? And I gotchu fam, don't worry. Us ARMYs are detectives and you know it. It didn't take us long to narrow it down to a few people. First of all, we'll be assuming it's one of Moon's friends that's been in the public eye, otherwise it could really be anyone. Which, hey, if that's the case it's totally fine, but for the sake of this theory, please stick with me.

Our most important hint, which baby Jiminie has given us himself, is that she's not Korean. I'll give you five seconds to think of a friend of Moon's that's not Korean. Did you also come up with the whole cast of the anime adaptation? Yes, well so did I.

Considering the six members of the main cast, four of them are girls. One of those girls is Moon and one of those girls is underage. This leaves us with two options. Hinata and Aya. The two little queens.

Hinata, who's twenty-one years old and plays a supporting role in the show, would be an obvious choice to go with. She's a gorgeous and sweet Japanese girl, who has a love for acting and cooking. HOWEVER, one small detail makes this whole thing a little sketch. She has a boyfriend. You heard it here first, folks. Unless Jimin has a thing for her and isn't going to act on it, she's probably not the girl we're looking for. 

Next up: Aya. Now Aya is only nineteen years old. That's younger than our Kookie baby even. That's literally the age of our baby Soobin from TXT. And he's not even the oldest member. HOWEVER, she may be the cutest little angel to walk this earth other than Jimin and if that doesn't tell you enough... Just take a look at this behind the scenes footage from the show. She's adorable, funny and surprisingly agile for such an innocent soul. Look at that damn high kick she has to do for that scene. We're just gonna overlook the fact that she's very close to her co-star Kaito and BAM we have ourselves the perfect candidate for Jimin's crush!

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