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Late October 2018

"You're making me do what?", Moonhae raises her eyebrows, highly unamused with her stylist.

"They do this every year and it's a huge hit", she assures her, shoving the costume in her face.

"Why they gotta get me involved in this shit?", she whines.

"It's a Halloween special. You'll do a dance practice to your song with them", the young girl tells her.

"Yeah, but Snow white? You've got to be kidding", she scoffs at the classic yellow and blue dress she's now holding.

"Snow white and the seven dwarfs. It's perfect!", she pats her reassuringly on the back.

That's when a voice, that she really rather not hear at the moment, pops into the room.

"Good morning!", Jungkook pipes sweetly, hanging into the door frame with huge grin on his face.

"Mmh...", Moonhae barely grunts at the boy.

"Hey, Jiyoo", he disregards her reaction and steps over towards her stylist.

"Hey, Jungkook", the girl blushes when he wraps his arms around her and plants a kiss on her lips.

"How are you?", the smile never leaves his face and he leans in for another kiss.

"Good", Jiyoo also beams back at him stupidly.

"You're working real hard right?"

"Of course."

They're about to kiss again when Moonhae intervenes, "Oh my god, could you please just get a room?"

"You do so much worse with Taehyung, what are you complaining about?", Jungkook scowls at her.

"Whatever", she glares back at him, knowing he's right.

"I guess I'll see you later then", his smile returns when looking at Jiyoo again.

This time their goodbye kiss lasts a little longer and Jungkook's hands travel down around her ass, something Moonhae does not want to be witnessing, so she clears her throat loudly.

"Love you, Jungkook", the girl says breathlessly after they break apart and he heads for the door.

"Call me later", he winks at her.

The whole situation seems beyond ridiculous to Moonhae.

"Isn't he like the best?", Jiyoo gushes once he's left.

"Oh yeah, sure", she says sarcastically, but the lovestruck girl doesn't even take notice.

"He's so dreamy...", she trails off as she continues gathering accessories for Moon's outfit.

Some time passes with Jiyoo just chattering on and on about the maknae and how wonderful he is. The stylist who she had once tolerated so well, quickly became a nuisance when Jungkook started so-called 'dating' her. Something he seems to do with a new employee about every other week. Moonhae feels about ready to crack her head open when someone suddenly rushes into the wardrobe room.

"Bang PD needs to see you right now", it's one of her managers that stumbles in, visibly distraught.

"Why? What happened?", she furrows her brow.

"It's a mess", he says nothing more and motions for her to follow.

Hesitantly getting up, she pauses when Jiyoo's phone starts buzzing and she lets a gasp escape from her lips.

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