Finding Out

966 63 10

December 2018



The couple stares at each other with worried expressions, not wanting to enter Bang PD's office to hear the managers' reports. Both of them shut their phones off the night before and swore to one another they wouldn't look at any of the news. Nothing anyone says will change things for them.

"Me neither, but let's just rip the bandaid off, shall we?", Taehyung grimaces.

"I guess so", she sighs.

With that, they push the doors open to reveal a crowded and chaotic office. Managers are running around with their laptops and phones, talking loudly to each other and to people on their lines. Bang PD sits in the middle of it all at his large desk, shouting orders at whoever will listen.

"What the fuck is Dispatch doing?", he yells in frustration.

"Sir, they're spewing out whatever they have on the two", a manager informs him.

"Well, get a hold of someone there and tell them to quit it!", he says angrily before spotting the culprits who've entered.

"Ah, my two favorite people", he groans sarcastically.

"How's it looking?", Moonhae steps forward hesitantly.

"Honestly, people either fucking love you or fucking hate you", Bang PD does not make the effort to filter his language. It must've been a long morning.

Taehyung and Moon exchange tense looks.

"And what are they saying?", Taehyung now asks carefully.

"Why don't you see for yourself", he gestures towards the large screen behind him.

Posts upon posts are piling in by the second under Big Hit's official announcement. Most of them read as 'I fucking knew it!!!!!' or 'It was so obvious they were together', but many protective fans comment 'What a whore', 'Taehyung could definitely do better than her trashy ass' and 'Surprised she didn't end up with one of the other members with the way she was flirting with all of them'. The fans cheering them on by saying things like 'Such an iconic couple already, I love them together!' definitely make them less distraught about everything.

"We want you staying off social media for the next few days and then we'll have you post a thank you to all of your supporting fans along with a short statement", Bang PD explains to them.

They nod understandingly, slightly relieved nothing super drastic has happened. Of course the fans must be freaking out right now, but things don't look as grim as they thought they might be.

So Taehyung and Moonhae do as Bang PD orders them to and receive fairly positive reactions on their personal statements and their very first couple's post. It turns out their relationship announcement isn't such a big problem. At least not in comparison to what ends up happening a week before Christmas.

The raven haired girl wakes up next to her boyfriend that morning, feelings of contentment coursing through her body when she sees how the winter's sunlight illuminates his youthful face. Turning over to reach for her phone and let him sleep for a little bit longer, she scrolls through her feed. She's surprised to see that most of the posts aren't about her and Taehyung anymore. Instead, someone else now appears beside her on every post she sees. Her heart drops to her stomach.

'Suga's new song has got to be about Moon, you can't convince me otherwise' is the caption she reads.

Immediately straightening up in bed, she opens up her Spotify. Nothing.

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