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They shared a laugh and continued to tease each other.

No One's POV

The two were chatting away, near the room of portals. Xelqua was getting ready to enter the world of hermitcraft.

He has changed his clothes into a simple red sweater and a pair of jeans. Removing the other accessories but a necklace that is hidden under the sweater.

"Well, time to hide my Aura." Xelqua smiled, a bit sad that he would not be using his real wings to roam around the place.

"Come one bud. They will be thrilled to see you, come on, let's go" Xernous smiled as he patted Xelqua's back, no longer having the two-coloured wings covering his back.

Server Name
Hermitcraft 6

Scanning player ID...


Please Enter Code


Xelqua typed in the code and clicked enter.

He was met with the world that he would be in for quite a while.

He decided to climb up a tree as he waits for them, Xernous appeared soon after and chatted for a bit more.

A portal then appeared at spawn, made by obsidian and bedrock at the corners. Xernous seeing this, bid Xelqua goodbye.

!¡∷╎ᒲᔑꖎ ∴ᔑℸ ̣ ᓵ⍑ᒷ∷ ̇/ᒷ∷リ𝙹⚍ᓭ has left the server

And now Xelqua just looked at the amount of players coming through the portal.

Laughing at each other for tripping and falling as they entered, the once quiet world was now filled with the sounds of laughter and chatting.

It surprised Xelqua at how many members there were. It was more than...


He shook his head, trying to forget it, he knew his friends were safe but the sight of how destroyed the server was just because of the attack killed him a bit on the inside.

And it was the reason he was no longer able to be in the server.

Xelqua/Grian's POV

"Xisuma who's that?" I looked at who said it. Which was a guy, he had one eye which was a robotic-like, soon everyone stopped, and now all of their attention was on me.

"Oh, Alright, everyone! Let me introduce you all to our new member to the hermitcraft server. Grian!"

I smiled and jumped down the tree, and waved at everybody around, not really knowing what to do.

I had to admit tho. Some did not appear that friendly.

But hey, Aries and Pisces look like they will kill you at sight, but really they are just a softie. At times I would like to call them that to piss them off for fun.

The Protector [Grian | Hermitcraft] {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now